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Anaya S.

Lehrerin aus Bangladesch" , derzeit wohnhaft in Die Niederlande

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I received my degree in International and European Law from the University of Groningen, and explored in depth issues ranging from (European) competition/anti-trust law, public international law, arbitration law, human rights law, and more. I also spent two years focused on English law, and some time studying Indian law. I love the different fields of law, and enjoy teaching others interested in such fields about the different facets and nuances of them. I customise the structure and content of ...

I received my degree in International and European Law from the University of Groningen, and explored in depth issues ranging from (European) competition/anti-trust law, public international law, arbitration law, human rights law, and more. I also spent two years focused on English law, and some time studying Indian law. I love the different fields of law, and enjoy teaching others interested in such fields about the different facets and nuances of them. I customise the structure and content of the classes depending on the interests, goals, and needs of each student.

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Ausbildung und Erfahrung Ll.B. International And European Law