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Lehrerin aus Argentinien"

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Hi,I^m Analìa and I^m from Argentina.I have a teaching degree. I also have a First Certificate Level given from the Oxford University of Cambridge. i`m specialized teaching english in kindergarten and primary level.I have many years of experience and throughout my career I also worked teaching this language in secondary schools.My classes are focused in my students interests and getting to know their previous learnings. That is an important starting point to find resources, games,songs and stori...

Hi,I^m Analìa and I^m from Argentina.I have a teaching degree. I also have a First Certificate Level given from the Oxford University of Cambridge. i`m specialized teaching english in kindergarten and primary level.I have many years of experience and throughout my career I also worked teaching this language in secondary schools.My classes are focused in my students interests and getting to know their previous learnings. That is an important starting point to find resources, games,songs and stories to plan interesting classes for my students. i

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Zertifikat First Certificate In English
Ausbildung und Erfahrung Profesora De Educacionon Preescolar