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Amro H.

Aus Ägypten" , derzeit wohnhaft in Vereinigte Arabische Emirate

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I am Amr i have been working as Arabic and French teacher. I have had the privilege of serving as the Arabic B Head Secondary at GEMS Winchester School, Dubai since August 2022 to the present day. Additionally, I have contributed as the Islamic assistant to the Arabic & Islamic Director. Notably, in the recent DSIB evaluation of January 2203 at WSD – Winchester School Dubai, I played a pivotal role in advancing the Arabic & Islamic department in SIX INDICATORS, encompassing both Primary and Seco...

I am Amr i have been working as Arabic and French teacher. I have had the privilege of serving as the Arabic B Head Secondary at GEMS Winchester School, Dubai since August 2022 to the present day. Additionally, I have contributed as the Islamic assistant to the Arabic & Islamic Director. Notably, in the recent DSIB evaluation of January 2203 at WSD – Winchester School Dubai, I played a pivotal role in advancing the Arabic & Islamic department in SIX INDICATORS, encompassing both Primary and Secondary education. My journey as the Arabic Head commenced in 2016, during which I was entrusted with the responsibility of elevating the Arabic program at JSSIS, Dubai. Under my leadership, the department made a significant leap from a 'WEAK' rating to an 'ACCEPTABLE' rating in the progress indicator, marking a remarkable achievement.

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  • Arabisch Fortgeschritten/C2

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FranzösischUmfassende Kompetenzen

EnglischUmfassende Kompetenzen

Bildung und Abschlüsse

Bachelor-Abschluss French , Faculty Of Arts 2003 Assiut University - Egypt

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