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Lehrerin aus China"

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Hi~ I'm Amber, a native Chinese speaker from the hometown of giant panda, with a Master's degree and holding a Certificate of Class 2A in Mandarin Chinese. I have 10+ years working experience which specialized in training & recruiting, including one year in Southeast Asia. The trainees told me that 'you are always patient and energetic in class‘ I’d like to make a relaxed and pleasant learning atmosphere. Different methods will be adopted according to your interests and Chinese learning goals. ...

Hi~ I'm Amber, a native Chinese speaker from the hometown of giant panda, with a Master's degree and holding a Certificate of Class 2A in Mandarin Chinese. I have 10+ years working experience which specialized in training & recruiting, including one year in Southeast Asia. The trainees told me that 'you are always patient and energetic in class‘ I’d like to make a relaxed and pleasant learning atmosphere. Different methods will be adopted according to your interests and Chinese learning goals. Interactive method will be used throughout. Let's integrate Chinese learning into daily life and make things easier and interesting. You will gain not only the Chinese language, but also the profound Chinese culture and a long-term study partner. Meanwhile, I am also a backpacker and diver, and it was during my travels that I made many foreign friends and became their Chinese teacher. Life should be diversified, do not hesitate, try boldly!

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  • Chinesisch Anfänger/A1-2, Mittelstufe/B1-2, Fortgeschritten/C1, Fortgeschritten/C2

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Zertifikat Putonghua (Mandarin) Proficiency Certificate. Am Lernen

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