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HELLO! :D I have a lot of experience with Foreign Spanish students, in our first meeting I will be able to tell you what your current level is and what the correct study plan is for you. Depending on your time and predisposition, you will learn this beautiful language very well. In my classes we will practice conversation and daily vocabulary, or the technical vocabulary of the area you prefer. The meetings will be in a calm and relaxed environment, to converse fluently, so you can learn about ...

HELLO! :D I have a lot of experience with Foreign Spanish students, in our first meeting I will be able to tell you what your current level is and what the correct study plan is for you. Depending on your time and predisposition, you will learn this beautiful language very well. In my classes we will practice conversation and daily vocabulary, or the technical vocabulary of the area you prefer. The meetings will be in a calm and relaxed environment, to converse fluently, so you can learn about "Grammar" with reading, writing, listening exercises and much more. In our study plan we will find very dynamic and practical exercises, easy to understand but with a very good load of theory and learning methods specially created for this purpose. In each class we will solve exercises, we will talk about your doubts and I will give you the explanations and the material you need to understand these grammar topics in a simple but complete way. It will also provide you with practice material for you to solve and read outside of class hours, to see it together at the next meeting. You can prepare for your DELE exams or your next job interview, presentation or whatever you need.

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  • Spanisch
    • Konversation
    • Grammatik
    • Vokabeln
    • DELE A2
    • Business Spanisch
    • Prüfungsvorbereitung DELE C1

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Bewertungen der Studenten

Mai ramirez
I met this teacher at a language academy, there I discovered the dynamics and level of his classes. He is very good at explaining grammar topics, he is kind and patient with his students. In their classes you will learn a lot with reading, writing exercises and more. I have attended many of his classes and I truly recommend Amadeo as your next Spanish teacher.
David Lenta
Amadeo is a very good teacher! With him I am learning a lot, I feel very comfortable during classes and I can relax to practice my fluency during conversations. He is also very patient in explaining grammar topics over and over again until you can understand, his examples and exercises are very clear to understand and the truth is that they are very useful to learn. I highly recommend this teacher for Spanish students.
Teruel Branco
Recomendo aulas com o Amadeo porque ele é um professor muito bom. Muito atencioso e gentil durante as aulas e sabe explicar perfeitamente assuntos gramaticais de forma simples mas completa com exemplos do cotidiano, sempre encontra bons temas de conversação e sabe perfeitamente como me ajudar nas partes mais fracas do meu vocabulário com exercícios muito bons e divertidos leitura, escrita, vídeos e muito mais. A verdade é que recomendo fortemente aulas com ele.
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Spanisch Muttersprache

EnglischUmfassende Kompetenzen

PortugiesischUmfassende Kompetenzen

Bildung und Abschlüsse

Zertifikat Certificado De Tutor De Español

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