
Lehrerin aus Argentinien"

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¡Hello! I am Alicia Maino, a professor of Spanish for foreigners, a graduate of accounting from the Universidad Empresarial Siglo XXI of Córdoba, Argentina, and certified as a professor of ELE by the Tia Tula Institute of Zaragoza, Spain. I have 1 year of experience giving online classes to foreign students with an emphasis on the initial to intermediate levels. I like to organize online Spanish classes according to the learning objectives. ¡ I will be happy to be your online Spanish teacher, to...

¡Hello! I am Alicia Maino, a professor of Spanish for foreigners, a graduate of accounting from the Universidad Empresarial Siglo XXI of Córdoba, Argentina, and certified as a professor of ELE by the Tia Tula Institute of Zaragoza, Spain. I have 1 year of experience giving online classes to foreign students with an emphasis on the initial to intermediate levels. I like to organize online Spanish classes according to the learning objectives. ¡ I will be happy to be your online Spanish teacher, to help you get everything you want in terms of your level of Spanish!

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Ausbildung und Erfahrung Contadora Publica
Promotion Derecho Am Lernen
Abschlusszeugnis Profesora De Español Para Extranjeros Am Lernen

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