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Lehrerin aus Ägypten"

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I am Aliaa,I am a teacher Arabic and Qur'an for kids and women . I teach before for many students so i have many skills to clarify information and explain it in a simple ways . I help students to pronounce the Arabic alphabet correctly, correct recitation and help them to memorize the holy Qur'an correctly insha'Allah, learning tajweed to know the rules of recitation by Hafs and learning Arabic languages to know how to speak in Arabic fluently insha'Allah. Feel free to ask me any question at an...

I am Aliaa,I am a teacher Arabic and Qur'an for kids and women . I teach before for many students so i have many skills to clarify information and explain it in a simple ways . I help students to pronounce the Arabic alphabet correctly, correct recitation and help them to memorize the holy Qur'an correctly insha'Allah, learning tajweed to know the rules of recitation by Hafs and learning Arabic languages to know how to speak in Arabic fluently insha'Allah. Feel free to ask me any question at any time! Thank you!

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  • Arabisch Anfänger/A1-2, Mittelstufe/B1-2, Fortgeschritten/C1, Fortgeschritten/C2

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