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Aus Chile"

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I hold a degree in Business Administration and an MBA from the USA. With over two decades of experience, I have been a university professor since 2001. Since 2006, I have been affiliated with the prestigious Adolfo Ibáñez University in Chile, where I teach Excel, Access, and Marketing to senior students. In 2012, I received the distinguished award for Best Professor at the Business School, as voted by my students. That same year, I expanded my reach by teaching online courses on the world's lar...

I hold a degree in Business Administration and an MBA from the USA. With over two decades of experience, I have been a university professor since 2001. Since 2006, I have been affiliated with the prestigious Adolfo Ibáñez University in Chile, where I teach Excel, Access, and Marketing to senior students. In 2012, I received the distinguished award for Best Professor at the Business School, as voted by my students. That same year, I expanded my reach by teaching online courses on the world's largest platform. Currently, I continue to teach in-person and online classes in Chile, while also lecturing at the American University of Paraguay since 2017. My courses specialize in Excel, Access, and Power BI.

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  • Computer Software
    • Access
    • Excel

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Master/Postgraduiertenstudium Mba En Ecommerce, Golden Gate University (Eeuu)
Bachelor-Abschluss Ingeniero Comercial, Chile
Abschlusszeugnis Diploma En Marketing, Uc Berkeley (Eeuu)
Abschlusszeugnis Diploma Web Site Development, Uc Davis (Eeuu) Am Lernen

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