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Aus Italien"

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Hello everyone, it's me Alex,i offer rock guitar lessons via webcam for beginners and anyone who wants to learn to play the guitar. The lessons are aimed at people of all ages,so don't be shy I started to play guitar when i was only 8 years old and from then i never stopped My teaching methodologies are varied, based on the student we decide with him to undertake a specific study path that respects his needs. Teaching with passion and trying to transmit it to the student is the most important th...

Hello everyone, it's me Alex,i offer rock guitar lessons via webcam for beginners and anyone who wants to learn to play the guitar. The lessons are aimed at people of all ages,so don't be shy I started to play guitar when i was only 8 years old and from then i never stopped My teaching methodologies are varied, based on the student we decide with him to undertake a specific study path that respects his needs. Teaching with passion and trying to transmit it to the student is the most important thing for every teacher

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  • Gitarre Anfänger, Mittelstufe

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