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Lehrerin aus Kanada"

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Hi! I'm Aki, a friendly teacher who is passionate about helping you succeed! With over 18 years of teaching experience, I've developed a keen understanding of the unique learning needs of various age groups, from students in their late teens (17,18,19 year olds) to busy adults and even the elderlies. Being open minded towards different cultures from around the globe has helped me have a high cultural awareness, which has helped me be more like a friend to my students from different nations. A f...

Hi! I'm Aki, a friendly teacher who is passionate about helping you succeed! With over 18 years of teaching experience, I've developed a keen understanding of the unique learning needs of various age groups, from students in their late teens (17,18,19 year olds) to busy adults and even the elderlies. Being open minded towards different cultures from around the globe has helped me have a high cultural awareness, which has helped me be more like a friend to my students from different nations. A fact that helps them be stress-free in my class. My teaching style emphasizes patience, understanding, and providing a supportive environment for all students. Giving feedback and correcting errors is an inseparable part of my lessons since awareness of wrong structures and collocations can help your brain formulate the new language correctly. I specialize in English grammar, effectively analyzing writing to identify mistakes, which is especially beneficial for exam preparation, for example academic IELTS writing task1 and 2. My experience includes teaching based on renowned course books in general English, Cambridge Exam Preparation and Business English. My Discussion lessons on a wide variety of different topics foster self-expression for intermediate, upper-intermediate and advanced learners, and I encourage active learning through discovering language rules and meanings. So, encouraging students to communicate in English as much as possible is essential in building up self-confidence in conversational English. I guide learners with authentic materials and podcasts, if necessary, as increased exposure improves language acquisition. I tailor my teaching methods and materials to each student's unique needs and goals. No matter if you're aiming to enhance your conversation skills, refine your grammar, learn more everyday vocabulary and collocations, prepare for exams or job interviews, if you want to be more accepted in the international business, or if you intend to develop your academic writing, my classes are the best choice to guide and support you at every step of your journey. Whether you're a traveler seeking to learn survival English or a parent looking to support your kids' language learning journey, my ultimate goal is to witness your confidence in using the language grow. Book a class with me, and together we'll pave the way to language success.

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  • Englisch
    • Grammatik
    • Vokabeln
    • Konversation
    • Vorbereitung auf ein Vorstellungsgespräch
    • IELTS Prüfungsvorbereitung
    • Schreiben

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