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Hi, I am Adeoluwa, a software engineer with over 2 years of commercial experience. I have a Master's degree in Applied Artificial Intelligence from a UK university. Over my 2 years of experience, I have worked on various kinds of projects in industries such as EdTech, Real Estate and FinTech using programming languages such as PHP, Python, JavaScript and Java. I enjoy preaching the gospel of tech and am happy to help you get into tech by offering beginner lessons on any programming language you ...

Hi, I am Adeoluwa, a software engineer with over 2 years of commercial experience. I have a Master's degree in Applied Artificial Intelligence from a UK university. Over my 2 years of experience, I have worked on various kinds of projects in industries such as EdTech, Real Estate and FinTech using programming languages such as PHP, Python, JavaScript and Java. I enjoy preaching the gospel of tech and am happy to help you get into tech by offering beginner lessons on any programming language you choose.

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  • Programmierung
    • SQL
    • Javascript
    • NodeJS
    • PHP
    • Python
    • Web-Entwicklung

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Master/Postgraduiertenstudium Applied Artificial Intelligence