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Hello there! I'm Achilleas Georgiou, and I bring a unique blend of real-world industry experience and academic knowledge to the realm of computer programming education. With a rich professional background in the tech industry, I've not only mastered the theoretical aspects of programming but also applied them to solve complex challenges in real-life projects. My teaching philosophy revolves around making computer programming accessible and engaging for everyone, regardless of age or background....

Hello there! I'm Achilleas Georgiou, and I bring a unique blend of real-world industry experience and academic knowledge to the realm of computer programming education. With a rich professional background in the tech industry, I've not only mastered the theoretical aspects of programming but also applied them to solve complex challenges in real-life projects. My teaching philosophy revolves around making computer programming accessible and engaging for everyone, regardless of age or background. Whether you're a curious child taking your first steps into coding, a young adult looking to sharpen your skills, or an adult seeking to pivot your career into technology, my lessons are designed to cater to your unique learning pace and style. What sets my tutoring apart is the combination of high academic standards with practical, industry-relevant insights. I believe in learning by doing, and my lessons are structured to be hands-on, interactive, and directly applicable to real-world scenarios. Join me on this exciting journey to unlock your potential in the ever-evolving world of computer programming. Let's code, create, and innovate together!

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  • Programmierung
    • Javascript
    • CSS
    • Python
    • C++
    • Web-Entwicklung
    • Django

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Master/Postgraduiertenstudium Electrical And Computer Engineering Am Lernen