Aboubakeur K.

Aus Algerien"

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🇩🇿 welcome everyone....... , my name is Aboubakeur l am 28 years old , Iam from 🇩🇿 ALGERIA 🇩🇿 and I am a native 🔊 Arabic 🔊 speaker.. yes I am a native arabic speaker 🔊 and I am interested in teaching arabic to non arabic speakers,... for example ( Alif =أ ، Ba=ب ،Ta=ت....... ). 🌟 🌟Me as a teacher 🌟 🌟 As your futur arabic teacher i will do all my best so you benefit as much as possible of your cours, together we will work on all languge skills: 👂 👂 listening...

🇩🇿 welcome everyone....... , my name is Aboubakeur l am 28 years old , Iam from 🇩🇿 ALGERIA 🇩🇿 and I am a native 🔊 Arabic 🔊 speaker.. yes I am a native arabic speaker 🔊 and I am interested in teaching arabic to non arabic speakers,... for example ( Alif =أ ، Ba=ب ،Ta=ت....... ). 🌟 🌟Me as a teacher 🌟 🌟 As your futur arabic teacher i will do all my best so you benefit as much as possible of your cours, together we will work on all languge skills: 👂 👂 listening 👂 👂 * * 📝 📝 writing 📝 📝 📖 📖 reading 📖 📖 * * 🔊 🔊 speaking 🔊 🔊 🌟 My lessons and teaching style 🌟 ● The Grammar ●The Writing ● The Pronunciations ●Oral Expression And more.......I will however focus on speaking because it is fundamental skill and the main purpose of a foreign languge learning. 🌟My teaching material 🌟 ○ PDF file ○ Homework 🏡 ○ Audio 🔉 files ○ Text 📄 Documents ○ Image files ○Video files 📹 I will screen share with you all media : PDF, VIDEOS........ that will help you to improve. my arabic course will be more than just about the arabic languge , we will also explore many aspects of the modern word through arabic, we will talk about economics, business, history , geography and much more , so you can improve your vocubulary. Thank you .... .

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  • Arabisch Anfänger/A1-2, Mittelstufe/B1-2, Fortgeschritten/C1, Fortgeschritten/C2

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