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Lehrerin aus China"

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Hello, I am Qun, my English name is Venus, I have 1 year online Chinese teaching experience, 3 years offline education experience. I am a native speaker of Chinese National Mandarin Level 2 Grade A. Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering. I love teaching Chinese and enjoy teaching process.I am super patient, easy-going and fun to talk to.Beside,I have clear and standard Chinese pronunciation, slow and moderate speaking speed. I will always keep the mood relaxed which will make for a great learn...

Hello, I am Qun, my English name is Venus, I have 1 year online Chinese teaching experience, 3 years offline education experience. I am a native speaker of Chinese National Mandarin Level 2 Grade A. Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering. I love teaching Chinese and enjoy teaching process.I am super patient, easy-going and fun to talk to.Beside,I have clear and standard Chinese pronunciation, slow and moderate speaking speed. I will always keep the mood relaxed which will make for a great learning environment.In each class, I will summarize the new things we have learned and the problems you have encountered in my notes. These notes always help me discover and solve the difficulties that students encounter.Come and learn Chinese with me. You will find it easy to learn Chinese well. My courses and textbooks are diverse, as follows: ❤️ Children's Chinese Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Culture ❤️ Adult Chinese Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Culture ❤️ HSK1-6 Systematic Chinese Learning ❤️ YCT1-6 Systematic Chinese Learning ❤️ Zero Basic Chinese Language Teaching ❤️ Business Chinese ❤️ Chinese for Civil Engineering ❤️ Rapid completion of spoken Chinese (studying abroad, traveling, living, culture) 🍱🍱 The textbooks we have prepared for you include: HSK1-6, YCT1-6, Boya Chinese, Business Chinese BCT, New Thinking Business Chinese, Learn Chinese with Me, Chinese Speaking Speed, Chinese Paradise, Happy Chinese, Easy Learning Chinese, Experience Chinese, etc 🍱🍱

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  • Chinesisch Anfänger/A1-2, Mittelstufe/B1-2

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Jazmin Elizabeth Fernández Guevara
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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Abschlusszeugnis Bachelor's Degree,Major In Civil Engineering,Cet6 Am Lernen
Zertifikat Chinese National Mandarin Level 2 Grade A Certificate Am Lernen