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Lehrerin aus China"

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Hello, I'm ShenXiaoHui,you can call me Ruirui, from China, graduated from fujian normal university, I have 10 years experience in Chinese as a foreign language, I'll English, in case of need to English teaching, My courses include YCT teaching, HSK teaching, Fast Spoken Chinese teaching, Tourism Chinese teaching, Chinese understanding and writing.I like according to each student's learning objectives to organize my course, I would be happy to help you in Chinese language level to achieve the th...

Hello, I'm ShenXiaoHui,you can call me Ruirui, from China, graduated from fujian normal university, I have 10 years experience in Chinese as a foreign language, I'll English, in case of need to English teaching, My courses include YCT teaching, HSK teaching, Fast Spoken Chinese teaching, Tourism Chinese teaching, Chinese understanding and writing.I like according to each student's learning objectives to organize my course, I would be happy to help you in Chinese language level to achieve the things that you have to do.If you have limited time and want to learn Chinese well in a short time, please follow me. You will find Chinese is not difficult and interesting. Who is my program for? ❣️ Requires YCT and HSK test takers ❣️ quickly improve your Spoken Chinese in a short time ❣️ Chinese pronunciation is not accurate, want to correct ❣️ children or adults who need to improve word comprehension and sentence expression in Chinese What changes will be made after completing the course ❣️ can quickly master YCT and HSK related content ❣️Master spelling rules and standard pronunciation of pinyin ❣️ can understand and master words and sentences in Putonghua, and can give examples in daily life ❣️ can put what you have learned into practice in daily life.

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  • Chinesisch Anfänger/A1-2, Mittelstufe/B1-2, Fortgeschritten/C1, Fortgeschritten/C2

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Abschlusszeugnis 中小学教师资格证
Zertifikat 国际汉语教师资格证
Abschlusszeugnis 福建师范大学
Abschlusszeugnis 普通话等级证书

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