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Online-Lehrkräfte für das Fach Thermodynamik



17 €/stunde

Bietet kostenlose Probezeit


Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

Neue Lehrkraft

Thermodynamik Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik Elektromagnetismus Flüssigkeitsphysik Physikalische Grundlagen Mechanische Physik

Soy ingeniero aeroespacial, tengo 24 años y actualmente acabo de empezar un máster en Ingeniería Aeroespacial en la ISAE-SUPAERO, la mejor escuela de ingeniería aeronáutica en Francia. Dado que dicho programa de estudios es altamente exigente, solo puedo compaginar mis estudios con trabajos de jornada reducida y horario flexible. Es por eso que creo que poder dar clases particulares (física-mates-química-dibujo técnico-inglés) en remoto es la mejor manera de seguir haciendo lo que me gusta y llevo haciendo des de hace 6 años. Mis clases estan destinados sobretodo a nivel de bachillerato y universidad, aunque también puedo dar secundaria.

20 €/stunde

Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

Neue Lehrkraft

Thermodynamik Elektromagnetismus Theoretische Physik Physikalische Grundlagen Mechanische Physik

Hi, I'm Salvatore Caruso! I have a Master Degree in Physics and a PhD in Mathematics. During my studies I also spent a research semester at Princeton University. I am currently a researcher and data scientist. I have been privately teaching physics and mathematics for almost a decade and have helped many male and female students fill their gaps and pass their exams. I have experience in giving online lessons to high school and university students. My method is based on organizing a course based on the real needs of the learner and is aimed at achieving the objectives in an optimal time frame. The first lesson is always a cognitive lesson and allows you to understand what the learner's expectations are, while also trying to understand what their current difficulties are and why these do not allow for an optimal use of the study. Afterwards, a study path will be structured together, based on the didactic material available to the learner, integrated with material and explanations provided by me, during which possible gaps in understanding the concepts will be filled; in parallel, a series of exercises aimed at consolidating the acquired knowledge will be addressed. The basic idea of ​​my teaching method is that it is not possible to really learn and master concepts based on knowledge alone - and this is especially true for science subjects. This is why my method is based on an adequate level of personal reworking and manipulation of the concepts themselves. I am available for Physics and Mathematics lessons for the first two years of university scientific degrees. I am available for thesis and research help. I will be happy to help you.

15 €/stunde

Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

Neue Lehrkraft

Thermodynamik Elektromagnetismus Physikalische Grundlagen Physikalische Optik Mechanische Physik

Hi! My name is Noha, and I am thrilled to introduce myself as a physics tutor. With several years of experience tutoring in physics, mathematics, and English, I have developed a deep passion for education and helping students succeed. I hold a strong background in physics and have had the privilege of working with students of various ages and knowledge levels. My tutoring approach is tailored to each student's individual needs, and I take pride in creating a customized program that supports their learning journey. I firmly believe that every student has a unique way of understanding and tackling academic challenges. Therefore, I adapt my lessons and support to meet their specific requirements, encouraging them to overcome difficulties and achieve their goals. In addition to my expertise in physics, I also offer comprehensive support in mathematics and English. I have gained a solid understanding of these subjects and possess the ability to convey complex concepts in a clear and accessible manner. My excellent communication skills enable me to interact effectively with students, creating a positive learning environment. What sets me apart is my extensive experience in online tutoring. I excel particularly in this context as I can fully utilize the materials I have already prepared to provide highly personalized support to students. Through the use of interactive digital tools, I offer additional resources, assignments, and detailed explanations, enabling them to learn autonomously and flexibly. Online tutoring is my preferred domain, where I can maximize the effectiveness of my teaching. Education goes beyond the mere transmission of knowledge. As a tutor, I am committed to building trust and respect with my students, encouraging them to voice their questions and concerns. I believe in the importance of motivating students, supporting them in their academic and personal growth. My passion for teaching constantly drives me to seek new ways to make learning engaging and stimulating. I hope you will find exactly what you need with me, and I look forward to helping you achieve your academic goals!

10 €/stunde

Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

Neue Lehrkraft

Thermodynamik Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik Elektromagnetismus Physikalische Grundlagen Mechanische Physik

Salve, sono Alessio Zandegú, ho una laurea in ingegneria aerospaziale presso l’Università degli studi di Padova e attualmente frequento la magistrale al Politecnico di Torino. Ho alle spalle 5 anni di ripetizioni tenute sia in presenza che online. Le lezioni tratteranno un breve riassunto ed un eventuale approfondimento degli argomenti trattati a lezione, principalmente per le materie di matematica, fisica, geometria e chimica del biennio; per ragazzi di medie e superiori. Una volta allineati agli argomenti trattati al momento in classe si procederà con un continuo esercitarsi grazie ad esercizi integrati ed un ripasso mirato. Gli incontri di un’ora si svolgeranno con un collegamento di videochiamata mentre sarò collegato con il mio iPad, perciò potrete seguire in sincronia a ciò che scrivo in modo da poter avere un contatto comune alle cose dette e facilitare le cose a distanza. È un metodo con cui mi sono trovato molto bene in tempo di pandemia e i ragazzi si sono espressi entusiasti per facilità di comprensione e risultati.



14 €/stunde

Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

9 Unterricht

Thermodynamik Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik Elektromagnetismus Physikalische Grundlagen Mechanische Physik

Me llamo Daniel, graduado en ingeniería eléctrica Experiencia de más de cinco años Métodología: Método socrático Mi propósito es que el alumno no me necesite, es decir, mi intención es dar las herramientas, en función del alumno, para que aprenda a entender y desarrolle la capacidad de relacionar conceptos por sí solo/a. Es algo que considero importante y que, bajo mi experiencia, en los colegios se ha dejado de enseñar El ritmo de la clase será adaptativo al alumno, habiendo tiempos de descanso o momentos de un poco más de relajación para tener una clase amena en la que poder aprender

8 €/stunde

Bietet kostenlose Probezeit


Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

Neue Lehrkraft

Thermodynamik Elektrodynamik Elektromagnetismus Flüssigkeitsphysik Festkörperphysik Mechanische Physik

Hi, I'm Beatrice Trentin, a medical student at the University of Verona. I attended an ordinary scientific high school, from which I graduated with an excellent mark. For about three years I have been doing repetitions in mathematics, science and physics, both to middle and high school students. My lessons are flexible in times and aimed at achieving the objectives that the student wants to set, in view of a verification or for daily study. I prefer to interact a lot to verify the understanding of the contents compared to a frontal lesson. My lessons are also aimed at young people who intend to take the admission tests to medicine or health professions.

15 €/stunde

Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

Neue Lehrkraft

Thermodynamik Flüssigkeitsphysik Theoretische Physik Physikochemie Mechanische Physik

Je suis Ingénieur en génie chimique et je donne des cours de Maths et Physique-Chimie jusqu'au niveau Lycée (Terminale). Je donne aussi des cours d'apprentissage à la lecture et à l'écriture du Français et du Coran en Arabe, un programme adapté à toute catégorie d’âge. Les Mathématiques, la Physique et la Chimie sont des matières que je maîtrise et que j'aime bien et qui sont les bases de beaucoup de disciplines scientifiques comme le génie chimique. Ma méthode d'enseignement est basée sur l'aide à la compréhension des cours et la réalisation des exercices. Je prépare l'élève à pouvoir effectuer ses exercices avec des méthodes simples et démonstratives afin de bien comprendre les différentes étapes des raisonnements scientifiques. J'ai eu à accompagner quelques élèves : de CM2 (pour le programme de Sixième), de Cinquième, de Seconde, de Première et de Terminale. Je aussi eu à faire des corrections d'exercices de Mathématiques pour un site de préparation aux concours de la fonction publique. J'ai eu à donner des cours d'apprentissage à la lecture et à l'écriture du Français en ligne à une élève basée à Londres. J'ai eu aussi à donner des cours d'apprentissage à la lecture et à l'écriture du Coran en Arabe en ligne en utilisant un tableau numérique.

10 €/stunde

Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

Neue Lehrkraft

Thermodynamik Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik Physikalische Grundlagen Mechanische Physik

Estudiante de tercer año de Ingeniería de las Tecnologías de Telecomunicación, por lo que domino las matemáticas y la física tanto a nivel de secundaria como de bachillerato. Además tengo experiencia enseñando a alumnos de mi edad o de cursos inferiores, que siempre han quedado satisfechos. Tengo todas las herramientas para dar clases online sin problemas y me manejo bien con las plataformas. Además tengo un horario flexible y me adapto a las necesidades de mis alumnos sin problema.

20 €/stunde

Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

Neue Lehrkraft

Thermodynamik Elektromagnetismus Relativität Quantenmechanik Mechanische Physik Quantenphysik

Hello everyone! I'm Gianmarco Morbelli, a Physics bachelor graduate with a strong passion for teaching. What sets me apart is my solid academic background and experience as a university assistant, where I've helped many students master physics. My mission is to make this subject fascinating and accessible to all. My lessons are all tailored. There's no one-size-fits-all approach because I understand that every student is different. We'll work together to identify your learning style and develop a study plan that works best for you. I'm available for students of all ages and levels, from high school to university. My passion is to see students grow, whether you're looking to ace a tough exam or delve deeper into physics out of pure interest. I'm here for you, ready to help you achieve your goals. Are you ready to embark on this learning journey together? I can't wait to get to know you!

10 €/stunde

Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

Neue Lehrkraft

Thermodynamik Elektromagnetismus Relativität Molekularphysik Physikalische Grundlagen Mechanische Physik

¡Hola! Me llamo Danays. Soy graduada de Licenciatura en Física y Electrónica desde 1997. Master en Ciencias de la Educación. Con mi trabajo como profesora de Física durante 23 años en centros de secundaria básica, bachillerato y universidad mis alumnos han obtenido excelentes resultados académicos logrando así sus objetivos. En el desempeño profesional he participado en cursos y eventos nacionales e internacionales como vía de superación. Por varios cursos he preparado a estudiantes que optan por centros con requisitos adicionales, logrando el ingreso a los mismos gracias a la preparación obtenida. Amo mi profesión y con mi ayuda podrás ampliar tus conocimientos en la materia, logrando una relación profesor-alumno amena y comunicativa. Contribuir con tu aprendizaje es mi objetivo y mayor satisfacción. Juntos podemos lograrlo.