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Online-Lehrkräfte für das Fach Mechanische Physik

12 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Anna H.

Anna H.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Mechanische Physik Elektromagnetismus Flüssigkeitsphysik Physikalische Grundlagen Physikalische Optik Akustik

Hello everybody! A former physics student, I have always had a keen interest for the STEM subjects, with physics and mathematics above all else, and a certain vocation for teaching; while I hold no official certification, I have often had the opportunity to give private reparatory lessons, mainly for friends and family, and I am ready to patiently transmit all the passion I have for these subjects, to whomever may be needing it. Don't hesitate to ask for an introductory lesson!

16 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Mechanische Physik Relativität Thermodynamik Astrophysik Festkörperphysik Quantenphysik

Ciao, sono Vincenzo, sono laureato triennale in Fisica (voto 110 e lode) e sto proseguendo gli stati con una laurea magistrale in Astrofisica. Negli ultimi 3 anni ho svolto lezioni private di matematica e fisica a studenti delle scuole superiori e dell'università. Mi piace aiutare gli altri a comprendere bene i significati e i concetti della matematica e della fisica. Cercherò di organizzare le lezioni in base alle esigenze di ogni studente, con un programma specifico e adatto.

20 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Mechanische Physik Physikalische Grundlagen

Sono Antonio Capobianco, laureato triennale in Ingegneria. Ho la passione per le materie scientifiche, sopratutto per la matematica e la fisica. Ho fatto esperienza come insegnate per alunni con DSA, a Bari, per poi passare all'insegnamento online, che io reputo un ottima scelta per una questione di comodità e di preparazione personale sul programma da insegnare. La matematica e la fisica sono materie difficili solo se c'è chi ve le spiega male! Una volta che iniziate a comprendere queste due materie, parlerete il linguaggio degli dei!

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Zadok E.

Zadok E.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Mechanische Physik Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik Elektromagnetismus Flüssigkeitsphysik Molekularphysik Physikalische Grundlagen

Greetings. I am ZADOK, a detailed and experience tutor and teacher in both physics and Mathematics. I have been teaching these two subjects for over 5 years now. Presently I am a degree holder in electrical and electronics engineering. Which means, I can teach theories and solutions in both physics, mathematics, electronics engineering. My hubby is reading books, researching, teaching, doing sports such as playing table tennis to name a few. Do you have any problems in physics, maths , engineering, I will bring you solutions as required. See you soon

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Mechanische Physik Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik Elektromagnetismus Atom- und Teilchenphysik Physikalische Grundlagen Quantenphysik

Hola, soy Ing Electrónico, me encanta enseñar en las áreas de Matemática, Física , estadística . tengo 18 años en el área de la docencia impartiendo clases presenciales y online.

23 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Mechanische Physik Elektromagnetismus Thermodynamik Flüssigkeitsphysik Experimentalphysik Physikalische Grundlagen

I have a degree in Physics from the University of Bologna, I have always been intrigued by scientific subjects and above all I like to share my knowledge with others, this puts me to the test and first of all allows myself to learn and exchange notions with those I care about. Listen. I have several years of experience with private lessons and I consider them very interesting to enrich my cultural and experience baggage. The methodologies I use during private lessons derive from years of studying Physics and are strengthened by the 24 CFU achieved during the course of studies which allowed me to study subjects such as pedagogy, anthropology and didactics. From this path comes my ability to find the most appropriate methodology regarding the situation, the student and the difficulty of the subject to be recovered. In particular, I found particular success in making up for gaps in scientific subjects, with private lessons to strengthen and support students who aspired to improve their knowledge and academic assessments or simply who were looking for a better approach to scientific subjects.

9 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Mechanische Physik Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik Elektromagnetismus Theoretische Physik Physikalische Grundlagen Computerphysik

Soy ingeniero desarrollador, ofrezco asesorías, consultorías, tutorías, acompañamiento en temas académicos, desarrollo de proyectos de grado, proyectos finales, laboratorios, tesis, talleres entre otros trabajos. Me concentro en las necesidades del cliente, se desarrolla un plan de trabajo enfocado y alineado con los oejtivos a cumplir. Se inicia con una clase o reunión para saber cuales son las condiciones que se deben ajustar y de ahí se arma un plan y/o programa de trabajo.

17 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Mechanische Physik Elektromagnetismus Thermodynamik

Ciao sono Eugenia, un insegnante di matematica e fisica. Mi sono laureata in fisica all’università di Torino. Ho 5 anni di esperienza nell’insegnamento, sia con alunni liceali, ma anche studenti universitari o frequentanti la scuola media. Durante le mie lezioni cerco sempre dopo una parte teorica di concentrarmi sugli esercizi, cercando di capire le difficoltà e le lacune dei miei alunni. Sarò lieta di essere la tua insegnante per affrontare al meglio lo studio e l’apprendimento di queste sue materie.

12 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Laureano G.




Laureano G.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Mechanische Physik Thermodynamik Flüssigkeitsphysik Physikalische Grundlagen

Cuando era estudiante, muchas veces necesité algún acompañamiento, un tutor, que me incentive a seguir a pesar de las dificultades, que me ayude a no bajar los brazos. ¿Te suena familiar? Ya recibido de Ingeniero, ahora me dispongo a darte esa mano que también vos podés estar necesitando, me convierto en quién yo necesite... Y vamos, vos y yo no somos tan distintos, la única diferencia es que puedo darte la seguridad que necesitas para lograr tus objetivos ¡Contáctame y empecemos a trabajar juntos!

7 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Muhammad S.

Muhammad S.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Mechanische Physik Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik Thermodynamik Atom- und Teilchenphysik Flüssigkeitsphysik Experimentalphysik

Hello! It's a pleasure to meet you all. My name is Saqlain, and I am from Pakistan. I have been teaching math for over 6 years now, and it has been a wonderful experience so far. My teaching method focuses on breaking down complex math problems into simpler, more manageable steps. This way, my students can understand the underlying concepts and tackle any problem with ease. I invite you to book a trial lesson with me. During this lesson, we can get to know each other better and discuss your math goals. Together, we can create a personalized learning plan that suits your individual needs and helps you achieve success in math. So, what are you waiting for? Let's start our math journey together!