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Online-Lehrkräfte für das Fach Mechanische Physik

6 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Muhammad I.




Muhammad I.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Mechanische Physik Elektrodynamik Atom- und Teilchenphysik Physikalische Grundlagen Quantenmechanik Festkörperphysik

Hello, I'm Muhammad Imran, and I'm passionate about the fascinating world of physics. I hold a bachelor's degree in Physics from the University of Leeds. My journey into the realm of education and communication has been an intriguing one, driven by my love for physics. My academic background in physics has equipped me with a strong foundation in understanding the fundamental laws that govern the universe. Physics is a subject that challenges the boundaries of human knowledge and offers a profound insight into the workings of our world, from the subatomic to the cosmic scales. Having earned my degree in physics, I have embarked on a path that combines my deep-rooted knowledge with my passion for teaching. For the past three years, I've dedicated myself to the art of teaching, with a focus on online classes for high school and university students. Physics can be a complex and intricate subject, but I believe that with the right guidance and approach, it becomes an exciting journey of discovery. My teaching philosophy is centered on the idea of tailoring lessons to the unique needs of each student. I understand that every learner has their own pace and style of grasping scientific concepts, and I'm committed to helping students unlock their full potential. Whether you're aiming to conquer the intricacies of quantum mechanics, understand the principles of classical physics, or delve into the mysteries of astrophysics, I'm here to support you. My goal as an educator is not just to impart knowledge but to ignite curiosity and foster a deep appreciation for the wonders of physics. Physics is not just a subject; it's a way of thinking, problem-solving, and exploring the unknown. It touches every aspect of our lives, from the technology we use daily to the mysteries of the cosmos. With my degree in physics and a passion for teaching, I'm excited to embark on this educational journey with you. Together, we'll unravel the mysteries of the physical world and work towards your academic and intellectual goals.

35 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Mechanische Physik Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik Thermodynamik Flüssigkeitsphysik Physikalische Optik Physikochemie

Docteur en sciences physiques, j'ai pendant toute ma scolarité travaillé les mathématiques... et je n'aimais pas ça ! J'avais des résultats médiocres dans cette matière jusqu'à la terminale. En terminale, j'ai rencontré LE prof de maths qui m'a redonné confiance ! Ainsi, je comprends les difficultés que tu rencontres et je peux t'aider à les surmonter. Aujourd'hui, j'enseigne depuis 15 ans à l'université, en école d'ingénieurs, en école primaire, au lycée, en cours particuliers ... Ceci m'a permis de développer une méthode performante.

16 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Ferdinando B.

Ferdinando B.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Mechanische Physik Elektrodynamik Elektromagnetismus Thermodynamik Theoretische Physik Physikalische Grundlagen

Sono docente da molti anni e da circa 10 offro lezioni privare. Le mie lezioni sono finalizzate a far comprendere e si basano prevalentemente sulla logica. Raggiugo il mio obiettivo con un dialogo continuo con gli alunni, per comprendere se quello che ho detto è stato effettivamente compreso. Ascolto loro eventuali punti di vista diversi e ne parliamo. Come in tutte le attività la passione fa la differenza e mi reputo fortunato di riuscire a farlo con passione. Prima di iniziare un programma di lezioni mi faccio esporre gli argomenti da vedere e i relativi dubbi e incertezze al fine di programmare con efficacia il piano delle lezioni.

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Mechanische Physik Elektrodynamik Elektromagnetismus Physikalische Grundlagen Physikalische Optik

Matrícula de honor en la ESO y bachillerato son solo un reflejo de mis capacidades, pero mi verdadera pasión no ha sido estudiar, sino entender lo que estudio. Lo bueno de este entendimiento es que soy capaz de transmitirlo a otras personas para que lo entiendan de la forma más fácil posible. Mi nombre es Franklin y actualmente estoy estudiando ingeniería mecánica. Mi punto fuerte es que todo lo mencionado se intensifica cuando doy clases sobre lo que me apasiona, las matemáticas y la física. Son varias las personas que han dado clases particulares conmigo, incluso mis hermanos, con la competitividad que se suele tener, dicen que soy realmente bueno en esto. A diferencia de otros profesores, hace poco que finalicé el instituto y seré capaz de entenderte y ayudarte de primera mano, con experiencias recientes que no solo te harán superar la materia, sino obtener las mejores calificaciones.

25 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Mechanische Physik Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik Physikalische Grundlagen

Hello everyone, I'm Giovanni, a young bioengineer with a Ph.D. in neuroscience from the Polytechnic University of Turin, where I conducted various master's courses in my field of expertise. I have been tutoring in mathematics and physics since my high school days for high school students. Over the years, I've had the privilege of assisting numerous students, and I'm pleased to share that they have all shown significant improvements following my lessons. The greatest satisfaction is that some of them still write to me today and have pursued careers in the scientific field. By choice and passion, I have pursued additional university credits in learning psychology and anthropology at the University of Turin to enhance my abilities in effectively conveying information. My teaching approach focuses on personalizing the learning experience, identifying and addressing any obstacles that may hinder students from understanding specific concepts. My primary goal is to guide each student towards self-sufficiency and critical thinking, avoiding formalities and making lessons enjoyable. I am passionate about helping students find their path to academic success, and I would be enthusiastic to share this experience with anyone interested in improving their skills in mathematics and physics.

20 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Mechanische Physik Elektromagnetismus Thermodynamik Flüssigkeitsphysik Physikalische Grundlagen Physikalische Optik

Greetings! My name is Sukumar Das, B-Tech from IIT Kharagpur and I am a senior physics tutor with over 10 years of experience in the field. I believe that every student is unique, and I take a tailored approach to each individual's learning style and needs. I enjoy sharing my passion for physics with my students and helping them see how the subject can be applied in the real world. Its a guarantee from my side that if a student follows my instructions and carry out the tasks given to him/her, then the student can qualify the physics exam with flying colors.

12 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






102 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Physik

Mechanische Physik Physikalische Grundlagen

Soy profesor egresado de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI), dedicado a la docencia con amplia experiencia enseñando matemáticas y ciencias, preparación pre universitaria y asesoramiento para alumnos de los colegios mas exigentes de Lima. También cursos universitarios MATE I,II,III, FÍSICA, ESTADÍSTICA y varios mas. En los últimos años he tenido la oportunidad de trabajar con muchos alumnos que llevan el Bachillerato Internacional. Por ese motivo he acumulado una gran colección de materiales para los cursos de ciencias. Todo el material que uso esta en idioma ingles. Pero prefiero dictar las clases en idioma español. por ser mi idioma materno. En los cursos de ciencias, utilizamos conceptos que, para ser explicados, requieren un dominio de los medios de expresión. Por eso acostumbro utilizar vídeos, animaciones y todo tipo de material multimedia. Ademas dicto cursos utilizando internet, mediante pizarra virtual, con conversación, vídeo, pantalla compartida, etc. Evalúo constantemente a mis alumnos en la búsqueda del mejor ritmo de estudio, ni demasiado rápido que confunda, ni demasiado lento que aburra. Ademas, informo a los padres de familia, los avances o dificultades que van apareciendo durante el tiempo de estudio. Si busca apoyo solido y eficiente, no dude en comunicarse conmigo. ¡Estaré gustoso de brindarle el mejor servicio!

6 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Mechanische Physik Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik Elektrodynamik Elektromagnetismus Physikalische Grundlagen Physikalische Optik

Hola, mi nombre es Alexander Mancipe, soy de Colombia y tengo amplios conocimientos en las áreas de física y matemáticas. Cuento con más de 13 años de experiencia dictando clases en colegios a jóvenes de bachillerato, así como también a universitarios. Mi mayor interés es poder ayudar a mis estudiantes a avanzar en su proceso individual de acuerdo a las necesidades particulares de cada uno. También soy muy organizado y metódico en la forma de dictar mis clases para que se pueda llegar a la comprensión de los temas.

11 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Mechanische Physik Festkörperphysik

Bonjour à tous ! Étudiante en ingénierie, je suis peux vous aider à travailler vos mathématiques et physique (et qui sait, peut être vous faire aimer ça !) J'ai l'habitude de donner des cours de la primaire au lycée. Étant en fin d'étude j'arrive facilement à me mettre à votre place et comprendre ce qui reste flou pour vous 😄 J'aime organiser les cours en fonction des besoins de chaque élève, je serai heureux de vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs! N'hésitez pas à me contacter 😉

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Physik

Mechanische Physik Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik Experimentalphysik Theoretische Physik Physikalische Grundlagen Festkörperphysik

Hello, Dear! I'm Smart Uwalaka, an engineer and a Microsoft certified Innovative Educator in Physics and Maths with over 10 years of experience. I love teaching both subjects because they are rich and diverse STEM subjects that can open many doors in your chosen path or career. What makes me different from other teachers is that I tailor my classes to your needs and goals as I have the right materials and methods for you. I also make my classes fun and interactive, using visuals and real-life situations to help you learn faster and better. I organize my classes in a flexible way, so you can choose the time and frequency that suits you best. You can also contact me anytime if you have any questions or doubts. I'm always happy to help and support you in your learning journey. I have taught students of all levels, from beginners to advanced, and I can help you prepare for exams, interviews or science-related presentations. Whatever your reason for learning Physics and Maths, I'm here to help you achieve your goals and dreams. If you are interested in learning Physics and Maths with me, please send me a message and we can arrange a free trial lesson. I look forward to hearing from you soon!