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Online-Lehrkräfte für das Fach Numerische Analyse

6 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Chandni S.

Chandni S.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Mathematische Grundlagen Trigonometrie Mathematische Logik Geometrie

Hello ! My name is Chandni Satya , I graduated from the University of Lucknow with my Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education, then went on to earn my Master with an emphasis in Mathematics. I have 8 years of teaching experience to secondary and high school students. My teaching philosophy is that every child should be introduced to the tools they need to establish their own learning style. Because of how important technology is I our world , and Given my advanced degree , I incorporate technology whenever possible in the classroom while still leaving plenty of room to celebrate the students' imagination with specialized activities and hands-on experiences.

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Mathematische Grundlagen Trigonometrie Rechnen Geometrie

Actuellement, je travaille chez Mawa MBI (Management Business Institue), une école de formation professionnelle, en tant que formateur en informatique et en bureautique informatique orientée emplo et chez Fapanda en tant que transcripteur, une entreprise spécialisée dans la transcription…Je suis également Professeur de mathématiques, de sciences physiques, d’informatique et de bureautique informatique orientée emploi pour des personnes privées pendant trois années officiellement ou officieusement pendant tout mon cursus scolaire et ingénieur en formation en sécurité informatique. Mes toutes dernières expériences ont eu des résultats satisfaisants.. En effet, j’ai aidé des élèves de terminale à avoir leur bac, des élèves de 3e à réussi leur BFEM, des élèves des classes intermédiaires à améliorer leurs niveaux et leurs notes aux devoirs. J’ai aidé aussi des étudiants à réussir leurs examens et concours et des professionnels à maîtriser ou approfondir l’usage des outils et langages informatiques... Je suis très motivé, très disponible, très patient, très pédagogue et très engagé pours les encadrements.... la réussite de mes élèves c’est ma priorité...j’ai formé plusieurs personnes et aujourd’hui ils sont satisfaits de mes services. Je respecte l’horaire, je suis très disponible et je donne des résultats. Voilà pourquoi je suis toujours sollicité...

11 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Statistiken Trigonometrie Rechnen Geometrie

Hello, I'm Bill SOH, and I really like science. I went to good engineering schools and did well in my studies, and I got into some of the best business schools in France too. I've worked in science for a while, and now I'm a teacher. I can teach you math, physics, and chemistry. I make sure to explain things clearly and use examples to help you understand. My goal is to help you do well in your studies. Whether you're in high school or university, I can help. Let's learn together and do our best!

12 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe


Vereinigtes Königreich

Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Statistiken Mathematische Grundlagen Lineare Algebra Trigonometrie

Hello, my name is Sajan and I’m 20 years old. Growing up I was always fairly good at maths but my teachers weren’t the best and I decided to get a maths tutor for my GCSEs. My tutor was very thorough and attentive. It led to me getting an A* and as I entered sixth form I decided to also become a tutor and adopt the same teaching techniques that were taught to me. I believe students learn best in a one-to-one scenario where they feel comfortable with their tutor and are excited to learn. I have a systematic approach of completing each chapter with a short exam to see how well my students have retained their information and as the students get closer to their final exam, I introduce past papers to give them that experience. I follow the exam boards notes in my teachings and use modern teaching methods that worked for me five years prior, when I sat my own exams. Homework is essential to the way I teach and I ensure that it is simple and effective. Breaking down questions so students do 2 questions of a topic a day over the course of a week means they’re more likely to retain it than if they completed it all in a day. Finally, despite my young age I have plenty of experience in tutoring (4 years) and have led many students to get As and A*s in their GCSEs.

18 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Nina H.

Nina H.

Vereinigte Arabische Emirate

Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Statistiken Mathematische Grundlagen Lineare Algebra Angewandte Mathematik

How the lessons work: I usually use a shared screen for online tutoring where i will annotate pages of notes and have the student contribute as well. This makes the lesson more engaging and creates notes the students can keep after the lesson to continue building and learning from. Usually I will split the session into 3 sections: - 1. Introduction - finding out what students find challenging and what their strengths are. Also asking about learning type and what they want out of the sessions. - 2. Content - teaching the content they find confusing, explaining concepts, answering questions Usually I will show videos, diagrams, case studies, examples, etc here. - 3. Practice Questions and Review - I will give the students some past paper questions to check their understanding and we will mark them together to see how they can boost marks, exam technique... *Homework questions with marking are available if requested but not compulsory *Group classes can also be arranged for siblings/ peers Experience: - 2023: Worked for other tutoring services teaching students for 10 week blocks helping them attain their ideal grades and exceed their target grades. (ONLINE). : Taught students in years below in Maths, Economics, Geography within my school to help them understand vital principals that underpin future concepts. (IN PERSON AND ONLINE). : Lower School Liaison Programme within my school which assisted students in year 7-9 with settling into secondary school life. Transferable skills involve working with students in the 10+ age group and understanding how everyone learns differently as well as study skills.

9 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Angewandte Mathematik Mathematische Grundlagen Rechnen Geometrie Lineare Algebra Lineare Programmierung Statistiken Trigonometrie Diskrete Mathematik Zahlentheorie LaTeX Wahrscheinlichkeit Mathematische Logik

Soy ingeniero, me encanta enseñar y tengo amplia experiencia en clases particulares de las asignaturas nombradas, apoyando a estudiantes de colegio, universitarios y de academias de inglés. He sido docente de primaria en dos instituciones educativas importantes de la ciudad. Mi enfoque siempre es iniciar desde lo básico y gradualmente incrementar el nivel de profundidad del tema o ejercicios, hasta alcanzar el conocimiento necesario o deseado. Me aseguro de que mis alumnos estén a gusto y de resolver dudas conforme se vayan presentando.

20 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Angewandte Mathematik Mathematische Grundlagen Rechnen Geometrie Lineare Algebra Lineare Programmierung Statistiken Trigonometrie Diskrete Mathematik Zahlentheorie LaTeX Wahrscheinlichkeit Mathematische Logik

My name is Manuel and I am a student of Complex Systems in Pisa. I have always been passionate about Physics and Mathematics. I have a clear and direct teaching method and I am ready to resolve any doubt (from the most elementary to the most complex). Having participated in the past in the Mathematics and Physics Olympiads, I have excellent problem solving skills. I am available both for those who need tutoring or review basic concepts and for those who want to study these two subjects in more detail.

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Statistiken Mathematische Grundlagen Trigonometrie Geometrie

Sono una laureata magistrale in Ingegneria presso l'Università di Pisa e offro ripetizioni / lezioni private in matematica, fisica, chimica, informatica e affini. Ho esperienza nell'ambito maturata nel corso di questi anni e, appassionandomi molto a quello che studio, mi piace condividere quanto più possibile con i ragazzi per riuscire a trasmettere quanto ho appreso. Cerco costantemente di migliorarmi grazie al feedback dei ragazzi e il mio metodo prevede dei momenti in cui si cercano di capire le nozioni teoriche per affrontare poi insieme i diversi problemi guidando il ragazzo in un percorso che lo rende completamente autonomo nei confronti dello studio.

8 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Alejandro J.

Alejandro J.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Statistiken Trigonometrie Rechnen Geometrie

Maestro en Ciencias en Ingenieria Electrica, Maestria Avalada por el Programa Nacional de Posgrados para la Calidad del Instituto Tecnologico de Aguascalientes, mas de 8 Años de experiencia impartiendo clases, asesorias y apoyando en proyectos a alumnos de toda la republica en todas las etapas de mi vida, he forjado un prestigio ya que he dado clases en Slamanca Guanajuato y en la Ciudad de Aguascalientes desde niveles basicos como secundaria hasta Universidad, apoyando en las diferentes area de investigacion a los jovenes para su desarrollo profesional y personal, Mi metodologia esta basada en detectar el concepto que no se entiende o que es de dificil comprensión, partiendo de ahi se deconstruye el problema del alumno para atacarlo de raiz y que No existan dudas y pueda tener herramientas para construir conocimientos avanzados.

20 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe


Vereinigtes Königreich

Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Mathematische Grundlagen Lineare Algebra Rechnen Geometrie

ALLE MATH LEVELS & Numerical Solver-Programme, einschließlich Matlab, Ansys, Fluent

Ich bin Doktorand im Maschinenbau. Ich bin in der Lage, Mathematik, Physik, Thermodynamik, Strömungsmechanik, Festkörpermechanik, Materialwissenschaf...