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Online-Lehrkräfte für das Fach Numerische Analyse

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Mathematische Grundlagen Mathematische Logik Geometrie

HI, I am Thanuja for the last 6 years of experience in teaching Abacus (Indian Abacus) I have been dedicated to the world of teaching as I enjoy this for students of age 6 to 10 years. Students will learn to calculate all four mathematical operation mentally Vedic maths suits the students of age 10 to 18 years it covers many areas of maths like Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry students learn technique to solve any challenging problem in just one single step of calculation. This is the power of vedic maths I have experience giving online classes to Elementary and high school level students. I like to organise my classes according to the needs of each student and I will be happy to help you achieve your goals

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Dickson K.

Dickson K.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Lineare Algebra Angewandte Mathematik Trigonometrie Rechnen LaTeX

I am a trained teacher in Mathematics and Chemistry where I have been teaching high school students for the last twenty one years. I am a Master's holder in Mathematics, Bachelor in Mathematics and Chemistry and currently a Doctor of Philosophy student in the same area of specialization in Kenya's Moi University. Apart from offline and online content teaching, I do solve online assignments for my clients and provide correct answers with all steps well explained. I am ready to assist accordingly.

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Arturo T.

Arturo T.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Mathematische Grundlagen Lineare Algebra Rechnen

¡Hola! Soy Arturo Franco, Ingeniero industrial con 5 años de experiencia en la industria cementera. Pasé de ser un simple estudiante a ser un coordinador en CEMEX en un lapso de 1 año y medio. El automatizar mis procesos me permitió escalar rápidamente en mi empresa. Enfocado siempre en reducir tiempos, mejoras y optimizar procesos es sin duda lo que me caracteriza como profesional. Mas que un "Profesor" puedo ser ese guía que te impulse profesionalmente a sacar lo mejor de ti. Estoy emocionado de compartir contigo mis conocimientos a cerca de Phyton, SQL y matematicas

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Mathematische Grundlagen Angewandte Mathematik LaTeX Geometrie

As a doctoral student in mathematics, I have accumulated 6 years of experience in providing private mathematics tutoring. I offer tailored lessons for middle school and high school students up to Grade 12, specializing in mathematics (S, ES, L), as well as students in preparatory classes for top-tier schools (PC, BCPT, and ECT), and university undergraduates. I provide online math tutoring for students who: • Strive for excellence • Have fundamental difficulties or gaps • Want to reinforce their foundation and become familiar with techniques covered throughout their academic journey, which are always useful to know and master. • Need to prepare for specific competitions or exams (tests). • Wish to review the essential topics from the previous year's curriculum and get a head start on the current one. Methodology: The lessons follow a three-step process: Summary and explanation of the lesson or chapter to be studied, accompanied by a summary sheet of the essential concepts. Practice simple exercises to apply the lesson and implement an effective method for solving and presenting solutions. I provide progressively challenging exercises for the student to work on independently, testing their understanding and preparing them to work autonomously. We review these exercises together, and any unsuccessful ones are assigned for the student to redo before the next session. At the beginning of each lesson, I ensure that the student has grasped the concepts covered in the previous session and can independently solve the corresponding exercises.

5 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Mathematische Grundlagen

Hola mi nombres es Mayra soy ing. química, mi pasión es la enseñanza de química general, orgánica e inorgánica en los estudiantes de bachillerato , también en la elaboración de distintos productos para emprendimientos ya sea en el área de alimentos y cosméticos entre otros, Yo podría proporcionar la ayuda necesaria en distintas areas de la materia y poder trabajar juntos en los proyectos que desean hacer en esta área. Trabajar bajo tiempo de ser necesaria para la preparación de exámenes y proyectos.

18 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Angewandte Mathematik Mathematische Grundlagen Rechnen Geometrie Lineare Algebra Lineare Programmierung Statistiken Trigonometrie Diskrete Mathematik Zahlentheorie LaTeX Wahrscheinlichkeit Mathematische Logik

Mi chiamo Diego Smerilli e sono un ingegnere elettronico di 30 anni laureato con lode, laurea magistrale. Sono un docente di professione e ho conseguito un master di I livello dal titolo: "L'insegnamento delle materie scientifiche nella scuola secondaria di I e II grado: matematica e fisica." Insegno fisica e matematica da quattro anni negli istituti tecnici industriali. Collaboro da più di cinque anni con doposcuola e svolgo ripetizioni private nelle materie tecnico-scientifiche: faccio dunque questo lavoro a tempo pieno. La lezione dipende dalle caratteristiche dello studente, ma non é semplicemente lo svolgimento dei compiti per casa: cerco di far capire al ragazzo quello che sta facendo affinchè possa risolvere in autonomia problemi che non ha mai visto. In generale si parte dalla teoria per poi applicarla agli esercizi, che prima vengono svolti e spiegati da me e in un secondo momento direttamente dallo studente, il quale viene guidato e messo alla prova. Non svolgo esami o verifiche: si tratta di un illecito molto grave.

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Ahmed S.

Ahmed S.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Statistiken Mathematische Grundlagen Lineare Algebra Geometrie

Hello! I'm Ahmed Samir Kamel, 28 years old. an Egyptian expert with 4 years of experience of teaching Maths I have a bachelor's degree from Misr Higher Institute Maths is my favorite game, So I can teach it perfectly with different ways and languages I can help you to understand every whole thing with easy unconventional ways I like to organise my online Maths classes according to the learning objectives of each student and I will be happy to be your Maths teacher to help you achieve everything you set out to do in terms of your level of Maths You can have a maths expert mindset now.. let's try!

8 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Lineare Algebra Angewandte Mathematik Trigonometrie Rechnen Mathematische Logik

¡Hola! Soy Luis Ayapan, ingeniero en electrónica, informática y ciencias de la computación con 5 años de experiencia en docencia universitaria. Mi enfoque es ofrecer clases de matemáticas personalizadas para estudiantes de bachillerato y universidad, adaptadas a tu ritmo y necesidades. Mis clases están organizadas de manera estructurada pero flexible, combinando teoría con prácticas reales y ejercicios adaptados a tu ritmo de aprendizaje. Mi objetivo es ayudarte a alcanzar tus metas académicas con un enfoque cercano y motivador. ¡Estoy emocionado de trabajar contigo y lograr juntos el éxito en matemáticas!

5 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Mathematische Grundlagen Lineare Algebra Angewandte Mathematik Zahlentheorie

Hey, I am Prateek Govill, I have done MBA in Finance and Engineering in Computer Science. I have worked in various software and consulting companies in past 9 years. I enjoy teaching as it gives me internal satisfaction and the happiest moment for me is when the students understand the concepts. I take joy in teaching students who are fearful of Maths and Physics. I have experience of giving both online and offline classes to students. I usually give more time than the designated as I believe teaching needs dedication and patience to make people understand the concepts and it is different from other professions. You may book a trial class with me to get comfortable and decide. I am sure you would like to connect with me :)

5 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Statistiken Mathematische Grundlagen Lineare Algebra Trigonometrie

★ Un bon prof est avant tout un bon pédagogue ★ Chaque élève a une manière unique d’apprendre. La force d’un enseignant réside dans sa capacité à identifier cette manière et à l’utiliser pour enseigner de la manière la plus efficace et engageante possible. Mon approche est pragmatique et repose sur une relation de proximité avec l'élève, indispensable pour le motiver et l'accompagner dans son parcours. Je mets un accent particulier sur la compréhension des concepts, les méthodes d'apprentissage, et la visualisation des situations à travers des exemples concrets. Mon objectif principal est d'améliorer les résultats scolaires de mes élèves, mais aussi de les aider à se projeter dans leur avenir et à comprendre la logique mathématique qui sous-tend tous les concepts. Ce n'est qu'en développant une compréhension profonde et autonome que l'élève peut véritablement maîtriser les matières sur le long terme. Contrairement à une approche basée uniquement sur la répétition d’exercices et l’apprentissage par imitation, je crois fermement que seule une compréhension réelle reste gravée dans l'esprit de l'élève. L'objectif de mes cours est donc d’aller au-delà de la simple réussite scolaire, en permettant à mes élèves d'acquérir une vraie compréhension des concepts mathématiques, les préparant ainsi pour le reste de leur parcours académique. Pour atteindre cet objectif, j'établis une relation de confiance et de complicité avec mes élèves, les transformant en acteurs de leur propre apprentissage. Je les prépare non seulement aux défis scolaires, mais aussi aux défis du monde professionnel, en cultivant leur optimisme et leur confiance en eux – des éléments essentiels à toute réussite et épanouissement personnel. Enfin, fort de mon expérience et de ma maîtrise des matières que j’enseigne, je m’engage à définir des objectifs clairs et quantitatifs, garantissant un suivi régulier et personnalisé pour chaque élève.