Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team
Neue Lehrkraft
Hola! Soy Stiven Agudelo, estudiante de ingeniería informática, Apasionado por enseñar la lógica de programación, la base fundamental de todo aquel que quiera empezar en el mundo de la programación y tecnología, me gusta enseñar de una manera muy amena, en la que no tendrás frustraciones al aprender, además de siempre buscar la práctica y no teoría que pueda confundir más.
Doy las clases online dando asesoría sobre trabajos talleres y cualquier duda que tengas, las dificultades principalmente son en temas de arrays, operadores lógicos, condicionales, ciclos, pero en todo ello puedo ayudarte a superar esa dificultad con mucha práctica.
Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team
Neue Lehrkraft
Estoy finalizando el grado en ingeniería electrónica industrial y automática con más de 2 años de experiencia se ofrece para dar clases particulares.
Normalmente, las clases se realizan de manera práctica enfocando los conceptos en la vida real, de esta manera el estudiante asocia lo que estudia con sus actividades cotidianas y aprende mucho más rápido.
Si el alumno necesitara de otra estructura de clase se me podría comunicar y esta se llevaría a cabo para mayor confort del alumno.
Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team
Neue Lehrkraft
Hello! My name is Mohammed Zubair, and I am a software engineer with a degree in Computer Science from VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology, one of the top colleges in Hyderabad. I am proficient in a variety of programming languages, including C, C++, Java, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, ReactJS, and Firebase. I am also a 3 star coder on CodeChef and have a rating of 1570 on LeetCode. I have developed a variety of projects, including a chat bot in C++ and many websites using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, and Firebase. I like to organize my online programming classes according to the learning objectives of each student, and I will be happy to be your programming teacher to help you achieve everything you set out to do in terms of your programming skills.
Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team
Neue Lehrkraft
I am professional software engineer with over a decade of experience in the field. I am here on the platform with passion for sharing my experience in the field in simple and accessible manner to whoever is interested.
With my help you will be able to boost your hands on experience in development of any software project of your interest or if you are just in the beginning of your exciting coding journey.
I believe software development should be accessible to a wider range of people of different occupation.
Who knows maybe I'll help you build another billion dollar startup :)
Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team
Neue Lehrkraft
Ciao! Mi chiamo Paolo Vilardi e sono un'insegnante di Informatica. Negli anni ho sviluppato una grande passione per l'insegnamento maturata anche grazie alle numerose ripetizioni che ho fatto nel corso dei miei anni da studente universitario.
Nel corso della mia vita da studente, ho avuto professori da cui ho appreso molto e altri meno, quindi ho bene in mente come a volte una brutta esperienza porti ad odiare una materia e come invece un buon professore ci faccia amare ciò che ascoltiamo.
Tutti noi siamo diversi e abbiamo modi diversi di vedere le cose e di apprendere. Si pensa spesso di non essere portati per una materia o di avere difficoltà insormontabili, quando in realtà basta solo trovare la chiave giusta per aprire la porta, anzichè continuare a forzarla.
Le lezioni sono fatte per metterti a proprio agio e affrontare le difficoltà insieme, cercando e trovando proprio questa "chiave". Spiegami dove fai più fatica e come affronti la materia e troveremo la soluzione migliore per te.
La preparazione della lezione è fondamentale e perciò prima di iniziare avrò bisogno di avere più informazioni possibili così da non perdere tempo durante l'effettiva lezione.
Buono studio a tutti!
Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team
Neue Lehrkraft
Hi, I am Leonardo, Interaction Designer from Milan. I have a master degree in communication design and years of experience in Web Design and Game Design.
Besides creating interactive experiences I teach these subjects in universities and academies in Milan.
My main goal is to provide you with a meaningful and rewarding learning experience, no matter what subject you choose to teach. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and seeing my students progress, acquiring skills that are useful and applicable in their professional lives. I am excited to begin this learning journey with you!
Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team
Neue Lehrkraft
- Hola, Me llamo Gabriel Sanchez soy desarrollador Web Full-Stack, tengo conocimientos en Tecnologías como Node.Js, EXPRESS, React, Redux, React Router, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, TailwindCSS, MySQL, Git y GitHub.
- Actualmente, me encuentro en el constante aprendizaje de más herramientas para él Desarrollo Web como: Python, AWS y Algoritmos. Me gusta seguir adquiriendo conocimientos y perfeccionar los ya obtenidos. Soy un apasionado al mundo del desarrollo, soy autodidacta y me gusta estar siempre adquiriendo conocimientos nuevos que nutran mi capacidad para el desarrollo de soluciones de problemas que se presenten para poder satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes.
- Me considero una persona muy responsable, amigable y respetuosa; practico atletismo específicamente las pruebas de largas distancia es una de mis pasiones considero que la mezcla del deporte con el desarrollo de mis actividades me ayuda ha estar en equilibrio para poder estar al 100%; tengo muchas ganas de ayudarte a impartir en el mundo del desarrollo web
Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team
Neue Lehrkraft
Python | C | C++ | JAVA| JavaScript | DS & A | Operating Systems
Hello, I am Mubashir, did my undergrad in Software Engineering.
I can help you with Python, C, C++, JAVA, Data Structure and Algorithms, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Network Security, and all other Computer Science related subjects, also can assist you in your coding projects.
I also have 2 year+ experience of in e-tutoring, teaching all these subjects, and also helping students with their CODING.
And if you wanna talk about your requirements, we can have a demo session.
Feel free to ask any queries.
Thank you
Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team
Neue Lehrkraft
I'm a Frontend developer driven by a passion for problem-solving, striving to craft captivating user experiences on software and websites that seamlessly adapt to any device with a strong urge to impact knowledge. My work is marked by a keen eye for innovative design and a profound grasp of techniques aimed at delivering the utmost in user satisfaction. In the dynamic landscape of technology, I maintain a commitment to continuous learning, ensuring that I remain in step with the ever-evolving tech community.