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Online-Lehrkräfte für das Fach Chemie

20 €/stunde

Bietet kostenlose Probezeit


Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team
Vereinigtes Königreich

Neue Lehrkraft

Physikochemie Biochemie Chemie Organische Chemie Grundlagen der Chemie Anorganische Chemie

Hi! I'm Sanskriti, a current medical student at the University of Bristol. Having just finished my third year of university, I am taking a year out to complete a Masters in Health, Law and Society (LLM). Having done a lot of exams (including GCSEs, A-Levels and university admissions tests), I realise how stressful and unnerving they can be, so I want to help other people through it! Personally, a big challenge for me during school exams was how much extra there is to do. Students do many subjects at GCSE, and have to balance planning their next steps with A-Levels. Guiding them, and providing encouragement is important in my lessons, as it infinitely supplements students' learning. In my lessons, I aim to work out what the students are struggling with, and help them to fully understand the content. My teaching style incorporates this - we go through content and work through it together. I like to make sure my students have really grasped the concepts, as they will need to apply their knowledge in exam questions. During my time at school, I found that once I felt I understood, doing practice questions really helped boost my own grades, so I hope to help others similarly. Mark schemes can be really tough to work with too, so understanding what a question is asking, and knowing what the mark schemes expect is a priority! I aim to be flexible and really engage students in their learning, and help them reach their full potential in a way that helps them most! In my time at school, I often found that exam-style questions were the best form of revision for me. However, I also understand that this does not work for everyone - each student is different, and has different methods of working. My lessons are very student-led and I will constantly ask them if there is anything that they feel could work better for them. Parents' feedback is also invaluable for me - you know your child best. I have also had experience in working with students with learning differences, such as ADHD and dyslexia. I aim to make my lessons accessible for all! I’ve also taken part in some tutoring schemes at school, such as helping year 7-11 whilst in 6th form and thoroughly enjoyed it, so I’m hoping to be able to continue that. Outside of academics, I enjoy baking and making scrapbooks. I have also been choreographer and president of the Bollywood Dance Society at my university in recent years!

16 €/stunde

Bietet kostenlose Probezeit


Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

Neue Lehrkraft


Sono Deborah, laureata con 110 e lode in Ingegneria Biomedica, pronta a condividere la mia passione per l'apprendimento con studenti di tutte le età. Con un percorso accademico brillante e una solida esperienza nell'impartire lezioni, offro ripetizioni personalizzate anche da remoto nelle seguenti materie: Scuole Medie: Tutte le materie Scuole Superiori: Materie scientifiche, Storia, Geografia, Inglese e Latino Università: Fisica 1 e 2, Chimica, Algebra Lineare 🎓 Perché scegliere me? Competenza: Con un background accademico di eccellenza, posso garantire una comprensione profonda e dettagliata degli argomenti. Esperienza: Ho aiutato numerosi studenti a migliorare i loro voti e a superare con successo esami difficili. Metodologia: Utilizzo tecniche di insegnamento innovative e personalizzate, adattandomi alle esigenze specifiche di ogni studente per massimizzare l’apprendimento. Passione: La mia dedizione e passione per le scienze rendono ogni lezione interessante e coinvolgente. Che tu abbia bisogno di migliorare la tua comprensione della fisica, di padroneggiare l’algebra lineare o di ottenere voti più alti in chimica, sono qui per aiutarti a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi accademici con fiducia e successo. Non vedo l'ora di aiutarti a brillare nei tuoi studi! Deborah

15 €/stunde

Bietet kostenlose Probezeit


Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

Neue Lehrkraft

Biochemie Stöchiometrie Organische Chemie Grundlagen der Chemie Kohlenstoffchemie Anorganische Chemie

Hallo, ich bin Andrea und habe einen Abschluss in Industriechemie von der Fakultät Turin. Fast 13 Jahre lang habe ich mit über 400 Kindern unterschied...

13 €/stunde

Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

Neue Lehrkraft

Biochemie Chemie Stöchiometrie Organische Chemie Anorganische Chemie Analytische Chemie

Lezioni adattate in base al programma (che deve essere fornito dallo studente) e al tipo di percorso da voler intraprendere (i.e. lezioni teoriche con esercizi, solo svolgimento di esercizi, ). Verrà fornito tutto il materiale utile sia alle lezioni che allo svolgimento degli esercizi, preferenzialmente prima delle attività. Inoltre è possibile svolgere simulazioni pratiche di test di verifica scritti ed interrogazioni orali, o di simulazione di esami universitari. Preferisco in genere stilare una tabella di marcia e fisare degli obiettivi che possono essere nel caso modificati in itinere.

12 €/stunde

Bietet kostenlose Probezeit


Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

Neue Lehrkraft

Chemie Organische Chemie Grundlagen der Chemie Anorganische Chemie Angewandte Chemie

Todos los temas de química de la ESO, sobre todo formulación tanto orgánica como inorgánica. Además, también temas de bachillerato como termodinámica, cinética, reacciones redox, equilibrio, ácido base... Las clases varían entre clases teóricas, donde explico los puntos fundamentales del temario de cada tema, y clases prácticas con ejercicios relacionados con el tema que se explique en el momento determinado. Mis alumnos siempre me han agradecido ir intercalando la teoría con pequeños problemas de prueba para ver si se ha logrado comprender lo que se explica, por tanto, según mi experiencia es un buen método de aprendizaje. Me adapto fácilmente a lo que cada alumno necesita en cada momento y lo que él necesita que le explique. No me siento satisfecho si no consigo hacer entender alguna cosa o si queda alguna duda pendiente en alguna de mis clases, así que sin apuros, ¡que yo repito todas las veces que haga falta!

8 €/stunde

Bietet kostenlose Probezeit

Kamal K.

Kamal K.
Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

Neue Lehrkraft

Chemie Stöchiometrie Organische Chemie Grundlagen der Chemie Anorganische Chemie

Fueled by a passion for igniting chemical sparks, I bring over 5 years of experience and a proven track record of success to the classroom. Having conquered the International Chemistry Olympiad and aced my Chemistry degree, I understand the intricacies of complex concepts and the thrill of mastering them. My research endeavors further honed my expertise and fueled my dedication to fostering a deep understanding in my students. More than just delivering knowledge, I aim to empower students to navigate the fascinating world of molecules and reactions with confidence and clarity. My personalized approach, honed through guiding over 500 students across the globe, unlocks individual potential and transforms confusion into exhilarating "aha!" moments. If you're eager to embark on a rewarding academic journey and conquer your chemistry Everest, I invite you to book your free consultation and let's begin the climb together.

6 €/stunde

Bietet kostenlose Probezeit


Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

Neue Lehrkraft

Biochemie Chemie Stöchiometrie Organische Chemie Grundlagen der Chemie Anorganische Chemie

Hello, everyone. My name is Hadia and I’m currently a second year medical student, i have been teaching biology and chemistry for about 2 years. I scored A*s in alevels chemistry and biology and my love for these subjects that led me to pursue medicine as my career. As a teacher, my students are my number one priority and I emphasise completely on conceptual learning rather than rote learning. I make sure that not only do my students understand everything but they know how to apply that knowledge during an exam and get the best results. So if you’re interested in learning any of these subjects, book a lesson with me and lets learn together!

5 €/stunde

Bietet kostenlose Probezeit


Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

Neue Lehrkraft

Physikochemie Präparative Chemie Chemie Stöchiometrie Organische Chemie Grundlagen der Chemie

Hi, i my Kola , i have a degree in Chemical Engineering from Obafemi Awolowo University. I have loved Chemistry and Math since i was in school, and it has always been my best subjects so far, that's why I love teaching it. Teachings has been a great deal for me for over 4years. With numerous teaching aids for subject and clarity which makes it clear to the student for better subject understanding. I take teaching with all fun and seriousness to achieve great result. All student I have been taking always have a fantastic result at the end of the class. Student who had problems in subject are well lead in a proper way to get the perfect result.

7 €/stunde

Bietet kostenlose Probezeit


Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

Neue Lehrkraft


¡Hola! Soy Analucía Nuñez, tengo 22 años y soy estudiante de la carrera de Ingeniería en Gestión Empresarial en la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM). He brindado tutoría particular y clases preuniversitarias a un adolescente con TDAH durante dos años, por lo que he utilizado diferentes metodologías y herramientas para lograr un buen aprendizaje. Además, actualmente brindo clases particulares de inglés (básico a intermedio) a niños y jóvenes adultos y estoy interesada en empezar a enseñar italiano básico. Cuento con certificación de la alianza Cambridge-Cibertec en el nivel Avanzado II de Inglés. En la primera clase gratuita, realizo algunas evaluaciones al estudiante para definir un método personalizado de enseñanza, porque reconozco que todos tenemos formas muy distintas de aprender. A lo largo de las clases, el método se puede ir ajustando de acuerdo a las necesidades del alumno (a). Si te interesaría llevar clases de Biología, Química o Razonamiento Verbal en nivel preuniversitario (hasta nivel de ingreso UNALM), necesitas tutoría particular para tus últimos años de secundaria o para realizar tu IB (International Baccalaureate), o deseas alcanzar un nivel básico, intermedio o avanzado de inglés, ¡no dudes en escribirme!

17 €/stunde

Bietet kostenlose Probezeit

Ahmad E.

Ahmad E.
Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

Neue Lehrkraft

Biochemie Chemie Organische Chemie Analytische Chemie

hello, I am Ahmad EL Mohamad a master student in pharmacology and I have a bachelor's degree in biochemistry throughout my college years I teach many students of different ages biology and chemistry and I had happily see their grades getting higher with my effort and their effort, school isn't just a place to learn it is the ground where we start building our dreams and goals and I will help every student taking my course not just to have a very good marks but also to help him building his goals and start working in achieving it in terms of biology and chemistry. as a pharmacologist student and biochemist graduate I have gained a strong background in chemistry and biology and I am willing to hep my students in these subjects.