Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team
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I am Muhammad Atif, PhD in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning) with 5+ years teaching experience in AI, programming languages, data structures, design and analysis of algorithms, and database management systems. Proven track record of excellence in student feedback at prestigious universities in Pakistan and Italy. Skilled in interactive teaching methods to convey diverse ideas effectively. Passionate about fostering deep understanding and instilling a tech-driven passion in students for academic excellence and innovation.
Lets connect for a demo class :)
Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team
Neue Lehrkraft
Hello! I'm Iqra,
Welcome to my engaging and dynamic Computer Science tutoring sessions! As an experienced tutor, I strive to create a supportive and interactive learning environment for my students.
I am ambitious and driven. I thrive on challenge and constantly set goals for myself, so I have something to strive toward. I'm not comfortable with settling, and I'm always looking for an opportunity to do better and achieve greatness. An accommodating and versatile individual with the talent to develop inspiring hands-on lessons that will capture a child's imagination and breed success. In each tutoring session, we'll dive into the fascinating world of Computer Science, exploring concepts through a combination of theory and hands-on practice. I'll break down complex topics into easily understandable chunks, ensuring that you grasp the fundamentals.
My lessons are tailored to your unique learning style and pace, allowing you to ask questions, seek clarification, and actively participate in the learning process. I believe in a student-centered approach, where your goals and progress are at the forefront.
When a teacher enjoys their work, they have a sense of purpose, their learners enjoy learning and both teachers and learners experience a great sense of achievement in their efforts.
"A teacher is a compass that activates the magnets of curiosity knowledge and wisdom"
Join me on this exciting journey of Computer Science/ Information Technology. Let's build a strong foundation, develop problem-solving skills, and achieve your academic goals. Get ready to embrace the world of technology with confidence and enthusiasm!
Thank You!
Have a nice day!
I will be happy to help you achieve your goals! 👋🏻
Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team
5 Unterricht
Hello there! I’m Jagrit Acharya, a passionate coder and a first-year Master’s student at the University of Calgary, where I’m delving deep into Electronic Systems Engineering. But here’s the scoop: I’ve already racked up four years of real-world programming experience and seven internships ranging from startups to research institutions. Yep, I’ve been around the coding block a few times!
My classes? They’re far from your typical lecture-style snooze fest. Think of them as your personal coding workshop, where I tailor each session to what you need and want to learn. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to polish your skills, I’m here to guide you with patience, enthusiasm, and perhaps a corny programming joke or two!
My approach is all about making coding approachable. Forget the jargon and the complicated lingo; I break things down so you can build things up—from your first “Hello, World!” to full-blown applications. If you’re looking to learn C++, Python, Java, or dive into frameworks like Django and React, I’ve got your back.
And it’s not just about writing code; it’s about understanding it. With a knack for explaining complex concepts like Data Structures and Algorithms in a way that actually makes sense, my aim is to equip you with the skills to not just solve problems, but to create solutions that matter.
So, whether you’re a high school student starting your journey, a college student gearing up for the tech industry, or just a lifelong learner with a curiosity for coding, my virtual classroom is open to you. Let’s code, learn, and maybe even laugh a little along the way!
Ready to start your coding adventure? Let’s chat and set those coding goals in motion!
Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team
Neue Lehrkraft
Greetings! I am Ashish David. I have a degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from one of the world's top university. I have experience in tutoring for more than 2 years now. I teach C++ to aspiring high school students who wish to go to Ivy leagues and want to be prepared for the best. My C++ course is also for undergraduates. I have experience in industry too and I have worked at one of the top 10 universities in the world. I also have experience in data structures and algorithms as I have participated in many international coding competitions like ACM ICPC, Facebook Hacker Cup, etc. I am here to teach you Python and C++. Join my classes if you want to be the best!
Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team
Hervorgehobene Lehrer
Neue Lehrkraft
Sei un genitore? Tuo figlio non riesce ad ottenere buoni risultati a scuola?
Dal 2016 insegno materie scientifiche ai ragazzi svolgendo lezioni private personalizzate, costruendo un percorso atto a trovare il metodo di studio più a loro adatto.
Principalmente studenti delle scuole superiori.
Universitari da valutare caso per caso.
Una volta messi in contatto, ci accorderemo per una prima lezione gratuita.
Le lezioni avvengono online. Ti basterà un tablet o un pc.
A fine lezione ti invierò il materiale didattico creato durante la lezione.
Se vorrai proseguire, possiamo stabilire un percorso didattico con diversi pacchetti di lezione.
- Comprovata pluriennale esperienza nella docenza
- Materiale didattico e compiti forniti da me: utilizzo un iPad con l'Apple Pencil
- Comunicazione costante: potrai scrivermi in qualsiasi momento, rispondo in giornata
- Non ci sono intermediari: sono il capo di me stesso
- Pianificazione percorso didattico personalizzato con obiettivi misurabili
- Esempi pratici: ho un passato da programmatore in azienda
Appassionato di informatica sin dall’adolescenza, studio come perito informatico per poi lavorare come programmatore.
Dopo anni di lavoro decido di volere di più, mi dimetto e con i soldi risparmiati investo nella mia formazione da ingegnere informatico.
Dal 2016 comincio a dare ripetizioni.
Con gli anni scopro quanto questo lavoro possa dare tanto.
Non basta conoscere la materia, bisogna avere empatia, essere in grado di mettersi nei panni dell’altro ed entrare nel suo mondo, rispettandone i modi e i tempi.
Da settembre 2019 a giugno 2020 lavoro come docente di informatica in una scuola superiore, mettendomi a confronto con classi da 20-30 alunni. Ho capito molte cose, forse complice il lockdown, di me e dei ragazzi. Ho capito quanto i ragazzi non si sentano compresi, ma soprattutto quanto la scuola abbia bisogno di una evoluzione digitale per diventare più smart, piú green, per gestire ogni situazione emergenziale e non, e per parlare di più il linguaggio dei giovani d’oggi.
dal 2008 al 2011: programmatore c/o azienda di consulenza
dal 2011 al 2015: laurea breve in ing. informatica c/o Politecnico di Milano
da maggio 2015: insegnante privato di matematica e informatica con ottime referenze
da gennaio 2019 a maggio 2019: ricercatore c/o Politecnico di Milano
da settembre 2019 a giugno 2020: docente di informatica c/o scuola secondaria di II grado
da settembre 2020 ad oggi: docente freelance
da settembre 2022 ad oggi: docente di ruolo di informatica c/o scuola secondaria di II grado
Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team
Neue Lehrkraft
¡Bienvenidos al mundo del aprendizaje digital! En mis clases de programación y ofimática, te ofrezco una experiencia personalizada y divertida. Desde los conceptos básicos hasta proyectos reales, te prepararé para dominar habilidades clave en el mundo digital. A través de un enfoque práctico y desafiante, te ayudaré a desarrollar las habilidades necesarias para tener éxito en cualquier campo. Únete a mí en este emocionante viaje de aprendizaje y descubre tu potencial ilimitado en el mundo de la tecnología. ¡Nos vemos en clase!
Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team
Neue Lehrkraft
Hola! 👋 Soy Rubén Carro, con titulo en física médica, desarrollo de software y actualmente realizando un máster en la Universidad Nebrija en ciberdelincuecia y ciberseguridad.
Con experiencia superior a 4 años en varios lenguajes de programación he realizado proyectos en visión artificial (python), automatización de cálculos geométricos en el ámbito de la física médica (sql, python) y robótica avanzada (C); conozco el arduo camino del Autodidacta y la frustración al encontrar montañas de referencias y textos de diversas fuentes sin saber bien por donde empezar o donde encontrar literatura de calidad con ejemplo prácticos claros para un aprendizaje progresivo, eficaz y completo.
Es por ello que me gustaría formar a futuros profesionales o profesionales en activo a mejorar sus skills en programación de alto nivel, u ofrecer ayuda y guía a quién quiera adentrarse en el mundo de la ciberseguridad y el hacking ético con mucho más que vagos conceptos p definiciones ambiguas que no hacen otra cosa que confundir al lector.
Con altas competencias comunicativas y profundas ganas de transmitir lo que sé y ayudar en el crecimiento de programadores y entusiastas de campos con gran futuro como la seguridad cibernética y el análisis forense digital.
Espero poder conoceros pronto!
Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team
Neue Lehrkraft
Hi there! I'm Kabir Olawore, currently pursuing a master's degree in Artificial Intelligence at Ulster University, Northern Ireland. Over the past 5 years, I've been employed at OpenText (formerly Micro Focus) and Huawei Technologies. Approximately 2 years ago, I made a deliberate shift towards teaching, driven by my newfound passion for it. During this time, I've successfully conducted online classes for high school and university students. My teaching approach is tailored to each student's specific needs, and I'm eager to assist you in reaching your goals! 👋🏻
Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team
Neue Lehrkraft
CiOSAndroidWeb-EntwicklungJavaC#C++ASP.NETPythonHTMLCSSJavascriptNodeJSRubyPHPSQLObjective-CSwiftUnityZBrushMaya (3D)MatlabReactSpring FrameworkGo Programming LanguageLogoKarelKotlinScratchRostGoDELE A2TypeScriptVBASkalaVisual BasicAbapPerlDartGroovyAdaLuaHaskellCobolJuliaDelphi/Object PascalAssembly Language
Los alumnos aprenderán a diseñar y programar sitios web modernos usando HTML, CSS, JavaScript y Python. Aprenderán conceptos básicos como crear una página web desde cero, desarrollar elementos de la interfaz y manejar la presentación de contenido pagado. Los cursos también les enseñarán habilidades avanzadas como el uso de bibliotecas Java para añadir interactividad a la interfaz del usuario, lenguajes de marcado para construir contenido dinámico en la página y cómo optimizar su lugar para atraer visitantes. Por último, aprenderán a utilizar Python para crear scripts eficientes que automatizan operaciones complejas o procesan datos masivos para mejorar los sitios.
Con más de cinco años trabajando en Desarrollo Web, he tenido la oportunidad de trabajar con una variedad de tecnologías relacionadas con HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript y Python.
He convertido mis habilidades para desarrollar páginas web atractivas y funcionales en algo que tengo un gran orgullo. Recientemente terminé un prototipo para un sitio dinámico para administración de proyectos que incluía obtener datos de XML a través del uso de Python. Fue emocionante ver todo el trabajo duro culminando en un ejemplo completo ya funcional.
Otra área donde he seguido desarrollando mis habilidades es HTML5 y CSS3. Los últimos dos años me han visto profundizar mi conocimiento sobre el diseño responsivo además de aprender nuevas técnicas como animaciones CSS y manejar la SEO correctamente para contenido estructurado usando microdatos. También tengo experiencia trabajando con frameworks front-end comunes como Bootstrap, Foundation y Semantic UI, así que puedo tener sitios lanzados rápidamente para cumplir plazos ajustados sin comprometer la calidad del código resultante.
Además de mi experiencia práctica, he perfeccionado mis habilidades en JavaScript gracias a varios cursos autodirigidos que tomé en línea para seguir los avances tecnológicos clave. Estudié jQuery ampliamente junto con librerías externas comunes como HandlebarsJS, así como las últimas frameoworks compatibles con NodeJS tales como ExpressJS y ReactJS being intoducidas recientemente al mercado .
En general, me siento muy orgullosa por haber logrado construir mis diversas competencias técnicas durante los últimos 5 años en Desarrollador Web .
Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team
Neue Lehrkraft
I am an associate professor with 5 years of experience. I teach several classes such as algorithms and data structures, advanced information systems, database server administration, data mining, advanced programming, and programming for data science. I help students learn how to use different programming languages such as SQL, C/C++, Java, Python, .... I also work as an online tutor for American tutoring platforms with 2 years of experience. I love teaching and sharing my knowledge with my students, but also learning new things with them.
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