Online-Lehrkräfte für das Fach Arabisch

6 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Arabisch

Spricht: Arabisch, Englisch

Hello! I am Oubbadah, An Arabic and Quran & English Tutor. I hold several university degrees in the field of education and languages. And I have a Diploma in teaching English and Arabic languages from Lebanese International University (LIU), and The Laureate International University (USA). I have 6 years of experience teaching online classes to all levels and ages (Elementary level to advanced level Students), with an emphasis on conversational Arabic. And (beginners, intermediate level and children for English), I like to organize my online Arabic classes according to: The needs and goals of each student.

5 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Eman A.

Eman A.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Arabisch

Spricht: Arabisch, Englisch

I am Eman, 29 years old, from Egypt. I have been working as a Teacher since November 2021 till now. I have a bachelor degree in English language and translation. I have a 140 Hours TEFL Certificate. My philosophy in teaching are: First: prepare an excellent, attractive and fun lesson plan. Second: give the student enough time to speak and practice (STT Time). Last but not least, always make sure that my student understands the lesson before ending the class. I prefer 1 to 1 class, but if there are more than one I do not mind.

7 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Arabisch

Spricht: Arabisch, Englisch

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته انا ايهاب الغنام . ناطق اصلي للغة العربية . انا من مصر و اعيش فيها . تخرجت من جامعة الازهر ' كلية اللغات و الترجمة ، قسم الدراسات الاسلامية باللغة الانجليزية اعمل في مجال التدريس منذ حوالي اثني عشرة عاما . و لدي خبرة في تدريس اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها و كذا ايضا في تعليم قراءة و تحفيظ القران الكريم بالتجويد و ايضا تدريس المواد الاسلامية . بفضل الله عندي من المهارات ما يمكن طلابي من سرعة فهم اللغة العربية و تحدثها بطلاقة استخدم الكثير من المناهج و الكتب في تعليم اللغة و ذلك حسب مستوى فهم و ادراك كل طالب. عندي خبرة في تدريس الاطفال و كبار السن ايضا بطرق متعددة . Hello! I am Ehab Elghanam , I am Arabic native speaker , Iam from Egypt . I graduated from Alazher university, faculty of languages and translation, department of Islamic studies in English . I have been working as a teacher for 12 years , I have an experience in teaching Arabic for non-native speakers , also I have an experience in teaching Quran how to memorize and how to recite with tajweed also how to understand the meaning of Quran .Also I have an experience in teaching Islamic studies. I have a lot of methods of teaching that make my students understand the lessons easily. I have an experience in teaching adults and children in easy and fun ways. I like to organise my classes according to the learning objectives of each student . I will be happy to help you achieve everything you set out to do in terms of your level of Arabic .

7 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Arabisch

Spricht: Arabisch, Englisch

Hello everyone, my name is Salem, I am from Egypt and I currently live in Europe, I am a graduate of the Faculty of Law in Alexandria in Egypt, my mother tongue is Arabic and I love teaching it and explaining its details because I believe that it is a really interesting language I love the Arabic language and I love teaching it very much, as it is a language that is currently needed in various fields and is very exciting and fun to learn and since I did my university studies as a lawyer , I am familiar with all the terms and expressions in the Arabic language and I would really like to pass on my knowledge to many people. مرحبا بالجميع اسمي سالم انا من مصر واعيش حاليا في اوروبا انا خريج كلية الحقوق بالاسكندرية في مصر لغتي الام العربية واحب تدريسها وشرح تفاصيلها لانني اؤمن إنها لغة ممتعة حقًا ، أحب اللغة العربية وأحب تدريسها كثيرًا ، فهي لغة مطلوبة حاليًا في مختلف المجالات وممتعة للغاية للتعلم ، وبما أنى قمت بدراساتي الجامعية كمحامى ، أنا على دراية بجميع المصطلحات والتعبيرات في اللغة العربية وأود حقًا أن أنقل معرفتي إلى العديد من الأشخاص.

12 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Alaa H.

Alaa H.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Arabisch

Spricht: Arabisch, Französisch, Englisch

Hello, I am Alaa Hussein, I am 22 years old from Lebanon. I have a BA and MA in Natural Sciences from the Lebanese University. But I want to teach the Arabic language so that foreigners know our language and know how beautiful, distinctive, and rich in vocabulary and meanings.I have 4 years of experience in teaching Arabic and the methodology adopted in education is as follows: Beginning to learn the basics of the language: Learning at its beginning is based on learning the essence of the language before progressing towards the language and its rules. The basics of learning represent the knowledge of the letters of the language in writing and verbally. After the end of this stage, the learner is enriched with the largest possible linguistic outcome of the various meanings of vocabulary and words, which the learner can acquire, each according to his mental abilities and speed in acquiring language skills. The learner is then trained to read the sentences, starting with the short ones, and moving on to the relatively long ones. Then the individual is taught the different language connections of prepositions, adverbs of time and place, and denoting nouns. After that, it recognizes the formation of question formulas, and this is done by the learner using short question methods and formulas, including those that are answered with yes or no, to explanatory and explanatory questions that require some length in answering. Then he begins to identify the rules of exchange and grammar: deuteronomy and plural and their types, the method of conditional and demand and others, addition, knowledge and indefinite. I will be very happy to introduce it to foreigners and will do my best to help you master it and speak it fluently. I promise that the class will not end unless you understand everything, and I am ready to repeat the information to you several times to deliver it to you in a simple and smooth way so that you can understand it to the fullest.

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Arabisch

Spricht: Arabisch, Englisch

Hello! I am Nagwa, I am a native Arabic speaker originally from Cairo, Egypt. *** I am a Member of the International Union for the Arabic Language, Arabic Language International Council.*** I have a bachelor's degree in English Literature, and a high Diploma in Education. I have experience teaching classes and individual students and experience teaching many different levels of Arabic both Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and Egyptian Colloquial Arabic (ECA) to people from different countries. I have taught at all levels, from elementary to intermediate to advanced. I have experience teaching grammar, conversation, writing, pronunciation, and reading and listening skills. Online lessons are a great way to practice conversation skills and it allows you to learn from the comfort of your own home. Whatever the reason you may have to learn Arabic, whether it is for studies, exams, work or just general improvement I am here to help you. I am very flexible and ready to find the best way to fit your times. You can book a trial lesson, where I can fully assess your level and we can discuss your necessities. Lastly, I am a friendly and open minded teacher and I enjoy teaching very much. I am looking forward to meeting you soon!

12 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Arabisch

Spricht: Arabisch, Englisch

Hello! I am Ibrahim Essa. I have a degree in English Language and Translation from the University of Aleppo. I have a 3 uears of experience teaching English online and in person to students of different levels. The main goal of my lessons is to improve all skills with close attention to various needs learners might have. I love to keep my classes fun using different resources across the web apart from the books. We will have online games, youtube videos, and more. I will gladly help achieve your desired level of English.

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Lyne E.

Lyne E.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Arabisch

Spricht: Arabisch, Englisch, Französisch

Hello, I'm Lyne, your dedicated English tutor 👋 Tailored for both French and Arabic speakers, my lessons are designed to make language learning engaging, fun and effective 🙌 Whether you're a beginner or more advanced, join me on a language journey that's adaptable to your pace and needs 💪 Beyond textbooks, I bring real-world English conversations to our lessons, preparing you for authentic interactions🤩 Together, we'll build strong communication skills and boost your confidence in English 🤟 Excited to join you on this linguistic journey!

6 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Azza E.

Azza E.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Arabisch

Spricht: Arabisch, Englisch, Niederländisch

Hello again! My name is Azza, but you can call me Az. I have been teaching Egyptian Arabic to foreign students residing in Egypt, as well as to virtual friends who have displayed a keen interest in learning the language. My teaching approach differs from the conventional methods, as I prefer not to rely on textbooks. Instead, I find a great delight in using songs and movies into my lessons. The Egyptian culture is incredibly unique, and I strongly believe that by utilizing this method, I can help you not only learn the language but also gain a deeper understanding of the culture itself. This approach has proven successful with numerous individuals, and I'm excited to start this journey with you :))

7 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






34 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Arabisch

Spricht: Arabisch, Französisch, Russisch

Bonjour, Titulaire d'un diplôme en traduction (spécialité arabe-français) de la Faculté Centrale d'Alger, j'enseigne l'arabe littéraire aux francophones depuis plusieurs années. Mes cours sont personnalisés pour répondre aux besoins et attentes spécifiques de chaque élève. Initialement, j'enseigne en utilisant à la fois l'arabe et le français, puis progressivement, je me concentre exclusivement sur l'arabe. Ma méthode d'enseignement intègre simultanément l'écoute, l'expression orale et la grammaire. Grâce à cette approche, les étudiants sont capables, après quelques mois, de mener une conversation entièrement en arabe. Je réalise également des évaluations périodiques afin d'identifier les points faibles et les acquis des élèves. L'objectif est de permettre à chaque étudiant de constater ses progrès à chaque étape du cursus, généralement tous les deux ou trois mois. Je prépare aussi les lycéens aux examens d'arabe en tant que première ou seconde langue vivante (LV1/LV2). Le matériel pédagogique nécessaire est fourni au fur et à mesure des cours. Les étudiants doivent simplement se munir d'un cahier et d'un stylo. Au plaisir de vous rencontrer prochainement

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