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Insegnante da India

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As a certified yoga Teacher/therapist successfully Treated a lot of patients through Yoga Like Migraine, Heart Problems, Sinus, Sciatica, Arthritis, Spondylitis, Better Sleep, Shortness of Breath, Anxiety ,Depression, Migraine, Obesity, Shortness of breath, Bronchitis, Asthma, High blood pressure, Cholesterol, Chest pain, Chest discomfort, Intestinal problems, Gas and acidity, Constipation, diabetes,Piles, High stress, Sinus, Heart problems, Emphysema, Chronic bronchitis , wheezing, chest tightn...

As a certified yoga Teacher/therapist successfully Treated a lot of patients through Yoga Like Migraine, Heart Problems, Sinus, Sciatica, Arthritis, Spondylitis, Better Sleep, Shortness of Breath, Anxiety ,Depression, Migraine, Obesity, Shortness of breath, Bronchitis, Asthma, High blood pressure, Cholesterol, Chest pain, Chest discomfort, Intestinal problems, Gas and acidity, Constipation, diabetes,Piles, High stress, Sinus, Heart problems, Emphysema, Chronic bronchitis , wheezing, chest tightness treatment. I have honed my skills in guiding students through Therapeutic yoga I have a strong focus on alignment, breath awareness, and mindfulness, creating a safe and supportive environment for patients of all levels of physical problem. as a certified yoga teacher has equipped me with a solid understanding of physiology, and the therapeutic benefits of yoga. Since 2010, I’ve immersed myself in yoga, beginning in 8th grade when I competed in and placed second in a state-level yoga competition. Over the past decade, I’ve transitioned from a practitioner to a professional instructor. As an experienced yoga Teacher/ therapist with over 7 years of experience, I offer a unique blend of yoga, Yoga therapy, Meditation , breathwork , Iyenger Yoga , yoga pilates , stretching yoga , Ayurveda, Mudra, Chant For any kind of diseases. also get trained for weight loss, strength, Stamina,flexibility training Through Power yoga, advanced asana, core strengthening exercise, yoga pilates,iyenger yoga,Yin yoga, flow yoga to get desired results.. SPECIALIST OF :- ● Therapy Yoga ● Meditation ● Pranayama ● Asana ● Ayurveda ● advanced asanas ● Power Yoga * Pilates *Jaap ---- Here's a glimpse of what you can expect: - Traditional Hatha Yoga, Iyenger Yoga stretching yoga, Breathwork and Asanas to strengthen and rejuvenate your body. - Pranayama techniques to enhance your breath and energy and keep calm your mind& body - Meditation and Yoga Nidra for deep relaxation and mental clarity. - Yogic Kriyas and Surya Namaskar to invigorate your energy. - Yogic breathing practices (yogabhyas) and mindful breathing. - Guidance on Ayurvedic Diet to nourish your body from within. - Micro-exercises for daily vitality. - A comprehensive understanding and practical application of connection with health and spirituality --My coaching methodology is grounded in a holistic approach that draws from instant relief from your problems I tailor each session to your unique needs and preferences, ensuring that your journey towards your goals is both fulfilling and effective. My Yoga sessions are highly customized to suit your individual needs and comfort. Professional Qualifications Pursing M.A in YOGA from uttrakhand sanskrit University (Rishikesh) Completed Hatha Yoga YTTC in April 2015 RISHIKESH , India Completed International Yoga Course of Quality Council of India (QCI) November 2018 Mumbai, India Completed power yoga teacher training course from world Gym Institute Completed Pilates yoga teacher training course from world gym Institute Completed 500 hours yoga alliance TTC Self study of anatomy , ayurveda, sutras, mantras and much more. Requirements for Participation: - A Yoga Mat - Good internet connection - Wear loose, comfortable clothes (Joggers & T-shirt) The path to a more fulfilling life begins with a single step. See you on the mat! Namaste, Prabhat Jha Extra information Requirements for Participation: - A Yoga Mat - Empty stomach - Good internet connection - Wear loose, comfortable clothes (Joggers & T-shirt)

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  • Sports Iniziazione, Intermedio, Avanzato

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Shivanshu Chaudhary
He is good yoga teacher
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IngleseCompetenza professionale

Studi e certificazioni

Certificazioni 500 Hours Yoga Alliance Teacher Training Certificate
Certificazioni 200 Hours Teacher's Training
Certificazioni Completed Power Yoga Certification Course From Wg Institute
Certificazioni Completed Yoga Pilates Certification Course
Diploma Indian Government Certified Yoga Teacher From Ayush Ministry(Qci) In corso

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