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Nikos Kouvatsos


Insegnante verificato, moderato dal team di Classgap
Regno Unito

0 lezioni

Fisica, Matematica

+ di 3 anni di esp. dando lezioni online

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Su di me

L'insegnante ha scritto la presentazione in un'altra lingua Tradurre ora

Hi! My name is Nikos Kouvatsos and I come from Greece. I have received all my school education in Greece, and all my university education in the United Kingdom. I hold an integrated masters MPhys Physics with Mathematics degree (First-class Honours) from the University of Southampton. Currently, I am in the final year of my Physics PhD program at King's College London, with my research focusing on the gravitational wave background. I have a strong background on several branches of both Physics and Math. During the past 3 years, I have gained experience teaching physics in person at my university, as well as at the Greek Secondary School of London. This is the first time I teach Math per se, and online in general. I am flexible with regards to how each session will be organised, depending on the needs of my students. If you are a high-school or undergraduate student and need assistance with Math or/and Physics, please reach out! I find teaching quite fulfilling, and I would love to help you out.


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Non trovi la disponibilità che stai cercando?


  • Fisica
    • Fisica di base
    • Astrofisica
    • Fisica computazionale
    • Fisica meccanica
  • Matematica
    • Algebra
    • Matematica di base
    • Algebra lineare
    • Trigonometria
    • Calcolo
    • Geometria

Lingue che parlo

IngleseCompetenze complete

Studi e certificazioni

Mphys Physics With Mathematics (First Class Honours) From The University Of Southampton

Master / Specializzazione

Physics Phd (King's College London)


Domande frequenti

Altri insegnanti di Lua online consigliati:



25 €/lezione

Insegnante verificato, moderato dal team di Classgap

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