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Bahman Baseri


Insegnante verificato, moderato dal team di Classgap

1 lezioni


+ di 5 anni di esp. dando lezioni online

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Hello! I am Bahman Baseri. I have been working in the field of software Programming for two decades. I have a good experience. During the Classes I show you real projects as a sample and the class will be interactive with good samples and practices. The most important thing to me is that you are prepared and able to handle all aspects of the database with your knowledge. in our new world, data analysis and working on data is more important and Business owners are looking for data analytics specialists to make the best decision in their business. SQL Server Course Topics: # Introduction to SQL Server # SQL Server installation method # How to work with SQL Server database # Introduce database objects # Complex Queries, Triggers, Views and Schema Modification # T-SQL Basic Instructions # SQL SERVER storage and INDEX structures # DML and DDL commands # KEYS AND LIMITS CONSTRAINTS # Saved procedures # How to create a backup and Job # Security in SQL Server # Comprehensive data in SQL Server # Profiles VIEWS # Write scripts and BATCHES # Saved procedure STORED PROCEDURES # TRANSACTIONS AND LOCKS # Triggers # Chart Entity Relationship (ER) # Basics of Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases # SQL Relational Algebra Operations # Conceptual Data Modeling and Database Design # The Relational Data Model and Relational Database Constraints # The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus # Performance Tuning # FileGroup # DMF (Dynamic Management Function) # Fragmentation # FileStream # FileTable # Execution Plan # Index Scan, Index Seek # rebuild index , reorganize index # Data Compression # xml data in sql # openquery method # Fetch Data from Web Service (With SP) # Creating a data warehouse with SSIS My Experiences: * Analysis of the design of the university system database. * Design analysis of Universities Teacher tuition system database * University Nutrition System Analysis * Analysis and design of school software database * Office database management system design * Design and implementation of cognitive science software * Database management of ERP products * Convert data of the Educational Management System * Convert office and laboratory software database data * Jam University Alumni Database Management


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  • Programmazione
    • SQL
    • Visual Basic

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Studi e certificazioni

Software Programming

Laurea Triennale

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Altri insegnanti di Programmazione online consigliati:



16 €/lezione

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Insegnante verificato, moderato dal team di Classgap

241 lezioni

Programmazione, Matematica
SQL Python Java TypeScript Rust Go

Insegnante di informatica operante nel settore dal 2010 ⏤ Ciao a tutti! Mi chiamo Guglielmo e sono entusiasta di avere l'opportunità di essere il vostro insegnante di informatica. Mi sono laureato nel 2014 in...



16 €/lezione

Offre prova gratuita


Insegnante verificato, moderato dal team di Classgap

31 lezioni

Matematica, Programmazione
C Python C++ Java Matlab

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13 €/lezione

Insegnante verificato, moderato dal team di Classgap

34 lezioni

Programmazione, Informatica
Javascript CSS HTML Unity Web TypeScript

Lezioni creative e stimolanti di sviluppo web e videogiochi! ⏤ Ciao! Grazie per esserti interessato al mio profilo. Io sono diplomato come perito informatico e, qui, potrò insegnarti le mie due più grandi passioni...