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Babatunde S.
Insegnante verificato, moderato dal team di Classgap
10 10 13
5,0 (13)
203 lezioni
Piano, Canto
+ di 10 anni di esp. dando lezioni online
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Su di me
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Hello! My name is Tunde Sosan, and I have a degree in Piano and Organ performance from Trinity Conservatory of Music Greenwich, as well as a Master's degree with merit in Music Performance and Education from the University of Hull in the United Kingdom.
I have over fifteen years of experience teaching online classes to elementary, secondary, and high school students, with a focus on sightreading and performance. I have a DBS clearance and a diverse repertoire that includes classical, pop, contemporary, Latin, Disney, Film music, and Gospel influenced pieces, to name a few. I like to structure my classes around the learning objectives of each student, and I will be delighted to assist you in achieving your musical goals!
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Babatunde is extremely talented and a very patient and knowledgeable teacher.
We met at a very low time during the pandemic and he literally taught me remotely and took it step by step till i was playing my favorite pieces.
I’ve always wanted to play “Won’t you buy my pretty flowers” which i used to hear in the piano room back in secondary school and thanks to Babatunde, i can play it well. He taught me from scratch alongside other pieces. He i ...s an expert at
sight reading.
He also makes learning extremely fun and easy.
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Oluwatobi Olaoluwa
He is a fantastic teacher and a pianist. He is the best! I have learnt so much from him that has helped in my performance as a pianist. He was my teacher during my diploma course at the musical society of Nigeria and I had a distinction in piano playing. He is still my teacher and I am still learning a lot from him. He is a qualified teacher for any music institution. He has impacted so many lives and he is a genius!
Esther Adebayo
Mr babs is a fantastic music/ piano teacher. one thing I love most about his teaching is his ability to come down to the level of the student for better understanding. He's so humble too.
Paul Littooij
Had good fun during the series of lessons. He gave me lots of tips and techniques to work on, motivated me to try various things, came up with film music to play, on my level. Listens both to the music as well as to the student, and adapts hits feedback accordingly. Recommended!
I recently had a lesson with Tunde , and I was impressed. His teaching style was patient and encouraging. He provided clear explanations and helpful exercises. I look forward to continuing lessons with him to enhance my piano skills.
Bruno K.
Great first lesson. Babatunde was not only kind and knowledgeable, but also emphasized the importance of keeping my voice healthy. I felt encouraged to sing in a safe and sustainable way.
it was a very fun and lovely lesson and Babatunde was very very nice
Keize Amaral
I loved my trial lesson with Babatunde. He is a really nice person and a great professional! :)
João Guimarães
Great lesson. Teaching suited for my skill level.
Channan Cooper
My son is thoroughly enjoying his first few piano lessons with Babatunde. He makes the lessons fun and informative. He is also picking up on lots of areas that need to be improved in preparation for my son's next piano exam. Would highly recommend!
Laura Reid
Babatunde is a fantastic teacher. He makes learning and singing so much fun, and I look forward to every lesson. He has a great spirit and is very encouraging and patient.
He is also very experienced with singing and music, and can play and sing so many different songs, which means we can try out different pieces and he suggests lots of songs that suit my vocal range.
If you want an great experience learning music, Babatunde is the one!
marco ortoman
Iniziazione, Intermedio, Avanzato
Iniziazione, Intermedio, Avanzato
Lingue che parlo
Studi e certificazioni
Bmus(Hons) In Piano Performance Tcm Uk
Laurea Triennale
Diploma In Music Theory-Alison
Piano Improvisation For Music Production- Alison
Training Of Teachers- Advanced Training Methods- Alison
Master’S With Merit Degree In Music Education And Performance.University Of Hull 2024
Altre cose che mi piacciono
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In che modo si realizzano le lezioni?
Le lezioni si realizzano nell'aula virtuale di Classgap, sviluppata per un apprendimento dinamico con diverse funzionalità, come la videoconferenza, la lavagna virtuale o editing di testi in tempo reale. Nel seguente link puoi vedere una demo dell'aula e conoscerla: Vedere l'aula virtuale
Insegnante verificato, moderato dal team di Classgap
Nuovo Insegnante
Piano, Musica
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Insegnante verificato, moderato dal team di Classgap
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