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Insegnante verificato, moderato dal team di Classgap
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94 lezioni
+ di 10 anni di esp. dando lezioni online
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Su di me
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My name is Ashar Hayat I have a Mphil degree in statistics subject. and Master's degree In Management sciences. I have been teaching for the last 15 years in different institutions.
I am a statistics tutor who can teach you live with collaboration tools like whiteboard and software Related to statistics
Details of Subjects with Specific level Which I can teach are as follow:
Major Subjects
• All topics of Pure and Applied Statistics with the help of Different Software Packages Like ( STATA, SPSS, Mathematica, R studio, and JAMOVI ) from Beginner level till Graduate Level. Experience in using all the above software to perform the different operations of statistics like simulation and visualization of data. (Share the data before taking the class )
• Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Further Mathematics from Primary level to O/A levels
Minor Subjects or Courses:
• Business Statistics at Secondary level to Undergraduate level
• Mathematical Statistics at Undergraduate Level.
• Probability and Statistics at Undergraduate Level.
• Econometrics at Undergraduate Level.
• Biostatistics at undergraduate Level.
Strength of My teaching:
My teaching style is interactive, simple, and easy to understand the explanations of every Concept, Student-centered teaching, Motivation, and Encouragement for Students, helping students to learn and understand the concepts So that they can do their Assignments and Exams Independently and successfully. With the use of a whiteboard in an online class and doing a live solution on MS WORD I will make a lesson interactive and engage the student with the different online tools.
I can do online live R Studio coding for your problems and use the different statistical software live in the lecture to explain the concepts to students.
I help You in doing your homework, projects, quizzes, and exam preparation which leads you towards a creative solution.
Please book a trial lesson with me and share your desired queries and difficulties with me and share your learning goal with me before the start of the lesson so that we can discuss everything during a lecture.
I encourage you to book a session With me so that you will learn more about Statistics in an easy way
Thank you.
Scegli la data e l'ora per iniziare a prenotare la tua lezione.
Gli orari sono indicati nel tuo fuso orario locale.
amazing teacher! helped me with a lot of work quickly but very understandable.
Sue Huss
Excellent teacher.
Ali Al-Hinaai
Despite not knowing the topic, he accepted my request. I gave him a list of problems to solve so that he can come to the lesson well prepared, but he didn't know how to do them. He told me the wrong information during the session. I had to end the session 15 minutes after it started to avoid wasting more time. I wish him all the best in the future, but he shouldn't accept requests on topics he is not familiar with.
Marinos Ioannou
Smart guy + good communication and teaching skills = Highly recommended!!
sakina jessa
great tracher with great humour
Great teacher, after my first class I immediately bought more sessions with him. Ashar simplifies complex maths and relates it to real life to help the student understand and retain what they have learned.
Aksel Matashev
Great teacher, very happy , helping me with discrete mathematics
Amazing tutor, took the time to explain everything and definitely would recommend and use in the future
Miles Denicoff
Jensen Masao
Matematica di base
Lingue che parlo
Studi e certificazioni
M.Phil In Statistics
Master / Specializzazione
Master In Statistics
Laurea Triennale
Master In Management Science
Master / Specializzazione
Domande frequenti
Posso cancellare una prenotazione?
Sì, puoi cancellare una prenotazione fino ad un massimo di 8 ore prima della lezione, indicando il motivo della cancellazione. Studieremo ogni caso in maniera personale per procedere alla restituzione dell'importo.
Come realizzo il pagamento della lezione?
Nel momento nel quale selezioni una lezione o un pack, potrai realizzare il pagamento tramite carta di credito o debito. - Carta di credito/debito. - Paypal. Una volta che hai realizzato il pagamento, riceverai un email di conferma della prenotazione.
Posso modificare la prenotazione?
Sì, se nel caso hai un imprevisto, potrai cambiare l'ora o il giorno della lezione. Puoi farlo direttamente dalla tua area personale, in "Lezioni programmate", tramite l'opzione “Cambiare la data”.
In che modo si realizzano le lezioni?
Le lezioni si realizzano nell'aula virtuale di Classgap, sviluppata per un apprendimento dinamico con diverse funzionalità, come la videoconferenza, la lavagna virtuale o editing di testi in tempo reale. Nel seguente link puoi vedere una demo dell'aula e conoscerla: Vedere l'aula virtuale
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