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Lezioni private di capacità imprenditoriali online

9 €/lezione

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Marco A.

Marco A.
Insegnante verificato, moderato dal team di Classgap

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Hola, Soy Marco Antonio Gómez, licenciado en Administración de Empresas por el Instituto Universitario Puebla Extensión MORELIA IUP y Maestrante en Educación por la Universidad Interamericana Para el Desarrollo UNID, mi enfoque es hacía el Marketing Digital por diversos cursos de valor que he tomado incluyendo un diplomado en Gerencia de Marketing por el Politécnico de Colombia. Me gusta plantear objetivos por clase para poder llegar a ellos de la manera más sencilla y así no darle tantas vueltas al mismo tema y avanzar rápido resolviendo las dudas que surjan en el camino.



11 €/lezione

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Insegnante verificato, moderato dal team di Classgap

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I am CPA + CFA, US. 10 years experienced finance tutor. My class with student is interactive session and not an lecture. I explain most difficult concepts and formulae in such a way that students remember it for lifetime. I can literally teach any concept of finance in simplest way. I have been teaching CA, CPA, CFA and FRM Students. I connect with each student, understand his / her needs and accordingly device my teaching methods. I teach finance/ financial management / financial computation and accounting for all levels.



73 €/lezione

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Insegnante verificato, moderato dal team di Classgap

11 lezioni


I can teach using step-by-step examples, hands-on exercises and if something is not clear I will explain as much as possible. Working with Google Analytics for over 5 years in the industry. If you need help I can also support you with training on using other tools like: - Google Tag Manager for implementing tags ( GA: From GA pageview tag to click events, Scroll, Video tracking, File Downloads, Error tracking and others) - Google Data Studio for creating custom dashboards. ( adding filters, scorecards, time series charts, bar charts, tables, or data blending.) - Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on in Google Sheets (automated GA reporting, using custom filters, segments ) I am also passionate about CRO and user research so I can support on using the tools below: - VWO for A/B testing and integration with Google Analytics via GTM. - Hotjar for user research. Topics can include : - Creating a measurement plan - Tracking setup steps - Making a Google Analytics/GTM audit - Creating custom dashboards or data analysis. - Optimization research using quantitative and qualitative data. On CRO I have worked on websites that have generated statistically significant positive results (based on hypotheses that used research data.) I can show you examples of how Google Analytics data and research data can be used to create and prioritize hypotheses. ----- Testimonials: "Trainer's enthusiasm for analytics and his interest in online optimization, correlated with good communication skills, made the course perfect for me. "-- Daniel - Marketing consultant ----- "It was a very helpful Analytics Training and I consider it a very good starting point for anyone entering the digital marketing world. I highly recommend it. " Denisa - Online Marketing Consultant ---- "Dragos is a great trainer! You should go to his courses and see for yourself. He is very attentive to all the details and doesn't hold back in offering his knowledge. " Alexandra - Portfolio Manager


Insegnante verificato, moderato dal team di Classgap

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Coaching, Sports

Bonjour, je m'appelle Yann, je suis diplômé d'un BPJEPS AF Haltérophilie-Musculation du CREPS de Dijon. J'ai aussi un Baccalauréat professionnel de cuisine. Je me suis lancé en Novembre 2023 en tant que coach sportif indépendant, aujourd'hui je vis de ma passion. Je suis en capacité de vous donner des cours sur le sport comme coacher les squats par exemple. Des cours d'anatomie et de physiologie afin de vous aider pour vos révisions, que vous vouliez vous diriger vers le sport ou la médecine, vous êtes les bienvenus.

10 €/lezione

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Insegnante verificato, moderato dal team di Classgap

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Contabilità, Finanza

Hi guys! I am Gabriel, an Accountant by profession, but a teacher at heart. I am a Certified Public Accounting(CPA) student, holder of a BSc. in Accounting and I have 5years worth of experience as an Accounting Tutor with University students, taking Accounting Courses , CPA students as well as workers and business people seeking to acquire Accounting knowledge to be applied in their jobs and businesses. Lectures typically cover Financial Accounting and reporting principles based on IAS/IFRS, Auditing Principles based on ISAs, Corporate finance as well as Cost and Managerial Accounting concepts. Take a trial session with me, so together we will help you improve on your Accounting knowledge and skills for your school course, exam, job or business. You won't regret it as I make lectures very interactive and practical while ensuring deep learning and proper follow up of my students.



15 €/lezione

Insegnante verificato, moderato dal team di Classgap

15 lezioni

Contabilità, Finanza

¡Hola! Soy Manuela, licenciada en Ciencias Económicas, ademas he hecho un master de adaptación e integración a las NIC (Normas Internacionales de Contabilidad) en Madrid. Tengo más de 15 años de profesionalidad en el sector de la fiscalidad y contabilidad, por ello me considero capaz de dar clases y preparar y organizar las necesidades de cada alumno adaptándome a lo que ellos demanden. ¡Pide conmigo una clase gratuita y comprobaras que juntos somos capaces de conseguir tus objetivos.!


Insegnante verificato, moderato dal team di Classgap

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Marketing, Coaching

¡Hola! Soy Yaneth Cabezas, Empresaria, Administradora de Empresas y Profesional en Mercadeo. Especialista en Investigación de Mercados, Publicidad y Marketing Digital. Con más de 10 años de experiencia en los negocios ofline y online. Apasionada por el emprendimiento y por compartir mis conocimientos con emprendedores como tú. Tengo amplia experiencia en asesorías y acompañamiento con clases personalizadas a dueños de negocio que requieren iniciarse en Internet o que ya han migrado al Internet y necesitan crecer sus ventas. Mis clases estan enfocadas directamente a cada negocio y a cada necesidad. Te ofrezco mi primera clase GRATIS con la seguridad que estarás a gusto y confiado de vincularte. ¡Estaré encantada de ayudarte a conseguir tus objetivos! Hasta pronto Yaneth

Simarpreet K.

Simarpreet K.
Insegnante verificato, moderato dal team di Classgap

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Economia, Microeconomia

Hi! I am Simarpreet Kaur, a post-graduate in Economics. I have a UGC NET certification in Economics that makes me eligible to be an assistant professor. I have a short experience of teaching high school kids. I am an easygoing, yet determined teacher. I have a passion for teaching. I try to incorporate innovative methods in my classroom to make learning an effortless process. I totally love connecting with students and interacting with them. My life goal is to provide good education to at least one child. I hope my talents prove to be fruitful to you guys. Happy learning!!


Insegnante verificato, moderato dal team di Classgap

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¡Hola 👋! Soy Lesyán Sánchez, profesor de la licenciatura en Contabilidad y Finanzas en la Universidad Central " Marta Abreu " de Las Villas, Cuba. En el 2019 me gradué como licenciado en Contabilidad y Finanzas. En el 2023 me titulé de Máster en Contabilidad Gerencial. Cuento con 5 año de experiencia como docente tengo posgrados en pedagógica y categoria de profesor asistente. Domino perfectamente mi idioma (español)y las terminología técnicas de las ciencias económicas si es de su interés. Igual podemos dialogar de forma didáctica utilizando las nueva herramientas de pedagogía y permitiendole a usted que sus conocimientos puedan ser aplicados y convertirse en un educador. Si desea aprender español y saber sobre Cuba, economía y tener un amigo.. no vemos en clase. Cordialmente.. Profesor Lesyán Sánchez Beritán.....


Insegnante verificato, moderato dal team di Classgap

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Economia, Contabilità

Laureata con esperienza decennale ⏤ Ciao sono Francesca laureata in economia con decennale esperienza nel settore. Disponibile ad insegnare anche italiano. Mi piacciono le lingue e posso...

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