🏆 Más de 3 años de experiencia dando clases online


Profesor de Marruecos

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Hello everyone😊. My name is Said, 24 years old from Morocco, I love teaching, extremally patient and suitable for beginners, adults and children. Specialized in teaching three languages; Arabic, English and Darija (Moroccan Arabic). After obtaining my Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Teaching and interpretation, I decided to start my journey as a professional teacher here in Morocco, before that I was giving after school language courses to school students to develop their skills... ...

Hello everyone😊. My name is Said, 24 years old from Morocco, I love teaching, extremally patient and suitable for beginners, adults and children. Specialized in teaching three languages; Arabic, English and Darija (Moroccan Arabic). After obtaining my Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Teaching and interpretation, I decided to start my journey as a professional teacher here in Morocco, before that I was giving after school language courses to school students to develop their skills... Been teaching these three languages professionally for 4 years now . I have a great experience in teaching non native speakers since I had so many students from the United states, France, the United kingdom, Canada … and so many other countries, I'm almost an international tutor 😂. When it comes to Arabic (MSA) modern standard Arabic, the holy Quran and Darija, I don't mind teaching using either Arabic alphabet or French/English alphabet since I've noticed a lot of students prefer so. by the way Arabic and the Moroccan Arabic ( Darija ) are really fun and easy to learn, attractive languages🎉. I'm an expert in creating PowerPoint classes with colorful pages and images to boost the learner's mood. PowerPoint classes are sent to the student at the end of each class. I have a good experience in teaching non-Arabic speakers with a clear calm voice. Currently trying to learn Korean alphabet. In addition to my experiences I'm a confident, friendly, funny tutor who works great with Adults as well as with kids (the skill of catching attention). My aim is to introduce Arabic to the world, and offer non-Arabic speakers the chance to hear themselves speaking this beautiful language as it is, My lessons are flexible, productive and created specifically to meet your unique learning goals. I could facilitate and accelerate your practical knowledge and usage of Arabic, Darija or English, and communication skills. My superpower is to train students to reach their ultimate potential, so they can learn with the most updated teaching methods along with a friendly attitude 😄. Thank you for taking the time to read my description, I cannot wait to see you in my class! See yah. Peace😊

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  • Árabe Elemental/A1-2, Intermedio/B1-2, Avanzado/C1, Proficiency/C2
  • Inglés
    • Gramática
    • Inglés coloquial
    • Fonética
    • Conversación
    • Comprensión lectora
    • Redacción

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Estudios y certificaciones

Grado Licence D'etudes Anglaise En Linguistique

Más sobre mí (aficiones, intereses...)

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• ¿Dónde se realizan las clases?

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