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🏆 Más de 3 años de experiencia dando clases online


Profesora de China

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Hello, I'm Gretchen from Shanghai, China. I have been teaching Chinese online for 3 years. Throughout this period, I have come to realize that fixed courses and content can be limiting for the diverse learning needs of my students. Recognizing that every student has their own unique starting point and strengths, my aim is to offer customized Chinese lessons that cater to their cultural backgrounds, language proficiency levels, and learning objectives. Therefore, I am more inclined towards p...

Hello, I'm Gretchen from Shanghai, China. I have been teaching Chinese online for 3 years. Throughout this period, I have come to realize that fixed courses and content can be limiting for the diverse learning needs of my students. Recognizing that every student has their own unique starting point and strengths, my aim is to offer customized Chinese lessons that cater to their cultural backgrounds, language proficiency levels, and learning objectives. Therefore, I am more inclined towards providing personalized courses tailored to meet each student's specific requirements. This approach allows me not only to strike a suitable balance between listening, speaking, reading, and writing components but also enables me to tailor the course content according to specific needs such as Conversational Chinese / Business Chinese / Advanced Chinese / Elementary Chinese. By employing objective analysis and rationalized customized solutions, my ultimate goal is to effectively assist you in your Mandarin learning journey. My advanced Chinese courses will encompass an array of topics including but not limited to Chinese history, culture, religion, natural landscapes, aesthetics, opera, calligraphy etc., which will be integrated into comprehensive listening, speaking reading and writing courses aimed at nurturing your proficiency in Mandarin. Specialty: 1)Conversational Chinese: Enhance Chinese comprehension and expression abilities through immersive conversational practice in real-life scenarios. 2)Advanced Chinese: Integrate topics such as Chinese history, culture, religion, natural landscapes, aesthetics, opera, calligraphy, etc., providing advanced learners with rich content and materials for an authentic understanding of China. 3)Business Chinese: Leverage over 10 years of professional marketing experience in multinational companies to offer business Chinese students a plethora of practical case exercises tailored to their daily work needs. 4)Chinese Literature: As an avid enthusiast of Chinese literature with profound knowledge on various literary works, I am delighted to share these captivating contents. 5) Conversation practice, pronunciation refinement, exam readiness enhancement, interview guidance. We will: 1) Before the formal start of the course, we will have a 30-minute online communication to assess your current language level and understand your specific needs. 2) Together, we will establish your learning direction and create a personalized program that suits you best. 3) I will design the course based on your individual requirements and learning plan. 4) Throughout the learning process, our courses will cover listening, speaking, reading, and writing. I will make adjustments according to your actual progress. 5) During the course, I will introduce various materials including Chinese history, culture, religion, natural landscapes, aesthetics, opera, calligraphy etc., as well as other topics that interest you. 6) All courses are tailored specifically for you. I won't rely on generic textbooks from the internet in order to fully meet your individual needs.

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  • Chino Elemental/A1-2, Intermedio/B1-2, Avanzado/C1, Proficiency/C2

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InglésCompetencia profesional

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Máster/Postgrado Master Of Business Administration

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• ¿Cómo realizo el pago de la clase?

En el momento en que selecciones una clase o un pack de horas, podrás realizar el pago mediante nuestro TPV virtual. Tienes dos opciones para efectuar el pago:
- Tarjeta de crédito.
- Paypal.
Una vez realices el pago de la clase, recibirás un e-mail de confirmación de la reserva.

• ¿Puedo modificar una reserva?

Sí, siempre puede surgir algún imprevisto, por lo que podrás cambiar la hora o el día de clase. Puedes hacerlo desde tu área personal, dentro de "Clases programadas", en la opción “Cambiar fecha”.

• ¿Dónde se realizan las clases?

Las clases se realizan en el aula virtual de Classgap, desarrollada para el ámbito formativo con muchas funcionalidades específicas para ello, como el vídeo-chat, la pizarra virtual o el editor de textos a tiempo real. En el siguiente enlace puedes ver una demo del aula y conocerla:  Ver aula virtual

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Profesor Nuevo

Enseña: Chino

Habla: Chinese, English, Spanish

Hi,there. I'm Sofía,a qualified Chinese teacher with over 8 years experience in teaching.My bachelor's and master’s majors are both in Teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages. I've worked as a Chinese teacher at Casvi International School in Spain 2016-2018, and a Chinese teacher for international students at a Chinese university 2021-2023.From 2019,I have became an online Chinese teacher. My students are aged 6-60 years old and they think the atmosphere in my Chinese class is very good. I hold CTCSOL, Putonghua Level 2A certificate and Chinese teacher qualification certificate. I believe that professional teachers will give you more professional help. I can teach regular courses in HSK/YCT/IB/BCT/MCT/Professional Chinese/Chinese Culture/Spoken Chinese and exam preparation course. My classes are interesting, lively and I am very good at guided teaching.I can solve the difficulties you encounter in your studies specifically. What are you waiting for? Come take a trial lesson with me,tell me your learning goals and let me help you achieve it as soon as possible.