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Hello, I am Myriam.
I am a certified professional trainer and business consultant.
After a Master's degree in law and before setting up on my own, I held various positions such as : sedentary salesperson, administrative manager, human resources manager, financial director.
During all these activities, I always had to prepare reports, make presentations to lead meetings and training, but also collect and analyze data to produce statistics and dashboards.
Mastery of office automation is essential for both students and professionals (employees or managers).
I started giving private lessons (maths, French and English) from high school while preparing for the baccalaureate specializing in foreign languages (English, Spanish, Italian).
Passionate about teaching, I have always been involved in transmitting knowledge and know-how through tutoring.
In my opinion, we remember 10 times more what we do than what we read or hear.
Through online courses, I offer you practice, practice and more practice for a gradual increase in skills according to your level and your objective 🚀 .
Together, I will support you, according to your choice, in the most optimal use of:
✔️ Word
✔️ Docs
✔️ Excel
✔️ Sheets
✔️ Power point
✔️ Slides
👉🏼 Depending on your needs, and upon request, I can adapt and support you in using other tools.
🚨 Note that office automation courses will be taught in French. So, an intermediate level is required 🚨 .
🇫🇷 In addition to office automation courses, I also offer French courses to allow you to enrich your vocabulary and your written and/or oral expression for use in daily or professional life.
See you soon.
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Profesor Nuevo
Biología, Programación
Hello, my name is Zeinab, I have a Bs. degree in Artificial Intelligence and I also have a master's degree in biology. I have chosen to devote myself to teaching because I derive exceptional satisfaction from this facet of my profession, where each moment becomes an opportunity for inspiration and mutual learning. I have experience giving private lessons to primary, middle and high school students. Personalizing my courses according to individual needs, I am enthusiastic about supporting you in achieving your academic goals. Together, let's achieve your ambitions!
Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap
Profesor Nuevo
Matemáticas, Electrónica
Soy Maureen, licenciada en ingeniería en electrónica graduada del Tecnológico de Costa Rica.
He trabajado en el área de redes, automarizando pro...
Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap
7 clases
Informática, Matemáticas
Je suis Docteur en Mathématique et Informatique, avec un double Master, actuellement avec deux publications scientifiques publiées dans une revue internationale de renom. Je propose des cours en ligne pour les collégiens, lycéens et étudiants universitaires, dans plusieurs matières, y parmi : les mathématiques, statistiques, machine learning, développement python en plus de l'informatique et des cours académiques du lycée et du collège [mathématique, physique, langue, bureautique, ...]..
Data scientist de formation, durant ma thèse j'ai encadré des étudiants de Master tout au long de leur projet de fin d'étude, j'étais membre de jury dans des soutenances du premier et deuxième cycle (Bac+3 et Bac+5). J'ai également donné des cours à des lycéens et collégiens.
Je propose un accompagnement/suivi sur le court et long terme, en cours, préparation des devoirs, projets, stages, thèse durant toute l'année. Je saurai vous aider à progresser sur la rédaction, la mise en forme de vos rapports de stages/mémoires/Thèse afin de présenter un travail clair et de qualité.
La clé de la réussite est la pédagogie :
▪ Mes cours sont 100% en ligne, avec un partage d'écran, avec des horaires très flexibles pendant toute la semaine y compris le Week-end.
▪ La séance commence par un rappel de cours en mettant l'accent sur les notions clés.
▪ Nous travaillons ensemble des exercices en lien direct avec le cours.
▪ Nous abordons des exercices plus approfondis pour traiter les différents cas.
▪ Je propose un Quiz ou un nouvel exercice sans mon intervention dans un premier temps pour valider ou non les notions en question.
▪ La séance sera personnalisée et adaptée au rythme de l'étudiant afin qu'il puisse progresser tout en reprenant confiance.
▪ Je donne des conseils sur les méthodes de travail, sur comment gérer son temps et ses priorités.
J'ai eu la chance d'avoir les meilleurs prof du monde durant tout mon cursus. Ils m'ont transmis la passion et l'amour de l'enseignement. Aujourd'hui, je veux transmettre cette chance à d'autres [à vous].
Je suis pédagogue, flexible, polyvalente et je m'adapte aux besoins de chacun. Je serai super heureuse de vous accompagner :) n'hésitez pas à me contacter :) !
Hâte d’échanger avec vous !
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Profesor Nuevo
Matemáticas, Programación
Sono Michele Cipriano, laureato in Ingegneria Informatica con lode, e ho speso un po' di tempo a tuffarmi nell'Intelligenza Artificiale Generativa per la mia tesi.
Sono sempre stato un tipo curioso, appassionato di roba scientifica, specialmente di matematica e informatica. Ultimamente, mi sono anche lanciato nell'insegnamento. La cosa che più mi emoziona è aiutare gli altri a capire che la matematica e l'informatica non sono mostri impossibili.
Nelle mie lezioni, il mio obiettivo numero uno è far sì che gli studenti non si limitino a imparare a memoria, ma che capiscano davvero quello che stanno facendo. La vera vittoria è quando riescono a buttare via la noia della memorizzazione e cominciano a capire a fondo la materia.
Sono convinto che rendere la matematica e l'informatica accessibili e anche divertenti sia la chiave per farle piacere. Spero di condividere con voi questa passione e rendere il percorso di apprendimento un'avventura interessante e stimolante.
Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap
Profesor Nuevo
Matemáticas, Programación
Hello everyone! My name is Vutivi from South Africa. I am a Computer Science graduate from the University of Cape Town. I have 6 years of experience teaching and coding in Java, 5 years of experience teaching and coding in C++ and over 3 years of experience teaching Mathematics. I regularly do programming projects of creating software's, applications, websites and much more using Java and C++, Rest assured with me as your teacher you will have a productive learning experience.
Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap
Profesor Nuevo
Mi chaimo Carlo Soravia, sono del '99 e sono sempre stato affascinato dal mondo dell'informatica.
Dopo aver frequentato il triennio di scientifico scienze applicate, nel quale ho imparato il linguaggio C, ho concluso gli stutdi superiori con l'indirizzo "economico sociale".
Inoltre essendo DSA ho dovuto affrontare molte sfide e mi piacerebbe aiutare chi, come me, trova difficile un metodo standard per l'apprendimento.
Attualmente lavoro all'interno di un'azienda che si occupa della presenza online di strutture alberghiere come web developer Full-Stack, quindi gestisco sia l'apsetto grafico che funzionale dei siti.
Che tu parta da 0 o che tu abbia già delle nozioni e voglia migliorare sei nel posto giusto!
Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap
Profesor Nuevo
Informática, Programación
¡Buenas! 👋🏻 Soy Ruben, licenciado en Ingeniería Informática por la TECH Universidad Tecnológica. Trabajé durante 5 años para el gobierno de mi Provi...
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Profesor Nuevo
Hi there! I'm Willem Smith, I studied at 42 Abu Dhabi coding school where I gained project experience in various programming languages and concepts. During my studies at 42 I've hosted several workshop sessions on C programming that greatly benefitted the student community. Till this day I continue to be a mentor to many students at 42 Abu Dhabi, and would love to share my knowledge and guidance to others around the globe. I would like to organise each class according to the needs of the student, and will be thrilled to help you on your journey to becoming a top programmer! 👨🏻💻
Programming languages:
C, C++, Java, Javascript, and Typescript
Web Dev.:
Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Docker Containers Infrastructure.
Profesor verificado, moderado por el equipo de Classgap
Profesor Nuevo
Programación, Ofimática
I'm Emir Can Manici, a second-year student at Maku University in Turkey, majoring in Information Technology and Systems. Despite being in my second year, I've been taking third-year classes and have maintained a GPA of 3.12. I also teach Python and C# to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-year students, who currently have a higher GPA of 3.4. I have a C1 level of English proficiency. My dedication to part-time jobs has slightly impacted my GPA. I'm eager to contribute my skills and knowledge to the field.
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