About me
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Mi nombre es Paula, soy Maestra de Educación Infantil y doy clases particulares a todo aquel que las necesite.
Estoy formada en una educación inspirada en pedagogías como Montessori, Freinet, Freire o Waldorf, centradas en el alumnado y sus necesidades. Respecto a las clases particulares no tengo una dinámica concreta, sino que, utilizo varias dependiendo de la persona que recibe esta clase. No me gustan la clases aburridas y poco dinámicas, sin que el alumno o alumna no entienda lo que está haciendo por aprobar. Me gusta que, de cada actividad, saquen por lo menos una enseñanza personal. Está claro que las notas son muy importantes y se debe motivar al alumnado a sacar lo mejor de sí mismo. Esto se puede conseguir sin dejar de lado el crecimiento personal, ya que es esencial conocer a tu alumnado para hacer de ellos y ellas buenos profesionales y buenas personas.
He trabajado dando clases particulares a niños/as de primaria, secundaria, bachillerato y adultos durante seis años. Actualmente trabajo en alemania.
My name is Paula, I am an Early Childhood Education Teacher and I give private classes to anyone who needs them.
I am trained in an education inspired by pedagogies such as Montessori, Freinet, Freire or Waldorf, focused on students and their needs. Regarding private classes, I do not have a specific dynamic, but rather, I use several depending on the person who receives this class. I don't like boring and undynamic classes, without the student understanding what they are doing to pass....
My name is Paula, I am an Early Childhood Education Teacher and I give private classes to anyone who needs them.
I am trained in an education inspired by pedagogies such as Montessori, Freinet, Freire or Waldorf, focused on students and their needs. Regarding private classes, I do not have a specific dynamic, but rather, I use several depending on the person who receives this class. I don't like boring and undynamic classes, without the student understanding what they are doing to pass. I like that, from each activity, they get at least one personal lesson. It is clear that grades are very important and students must be motivated to get the best out of themselves. This can be achieved without neglecting personal growth, since it is essential to know your students to make them good professionals and good people.
I have worked giving private classes to primary, secondary, high school children and adults for six years. I currently work in Germany.
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