Em dic Núria i soc llicenciada en Pedagogia per la UB.
Vaig impartir classes a un centre de persones adultes, durant les meves pràctiques a la univer...
My name is Angels and I live in Reus and I am 44 years old. I am married and have 2 children aged 14 and 10. I work as a receptionist in a hote...
Speaks: Catalan, Spanish, French, German, English, Italian
Em dic Queralt, sóc llicenciada de Biologia per la Universitat de Barcelona i en Pedagogia Sistèmica per la universitat CUDEC, de Tlaneplanta, ...
Hi! My name is Jaume and I'm a Spanish native teacher. I've been working as a teacher for more than 8 years and also as a Director of Studies for La A...
Sóc l'Anna, professora d'espanyol com a llengua estrangera amb més de deu anys d'experiència. Sóc una apassionada de la llengua i la cultura espanyole...
Hola! Sóc l'Aina. Sóc educadora infantil.
Recentment he sigut mare i visc en un petit poble de Catalunya.
Ara per ara em dedico a la maternitat.
My name is Júlia Nicolàs, I am Law and Business Administration graduate. Currently I am studying the Masters in Legal Practice.
For the past 8 years ...
Hola, soc la Noemí, filòloga catalana i estudiant del Màster en Professorat.
Tinc experiència com a professora en un institut de secundària i alguna c...
Catalan teacher for all levels ⏤ My name is Jacobo Blasco and I am a professor of history, geography and art history. I studied the degree of history and the master of contemporary hi...
Private teacher with more than 8 years teaching Spanish ⏤ Hello! This is Berta from Barcelona.
Since I was a kid that I had a bilingual education (Spanish and Catalan).
I’ve been more than 10 years teaching...
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