My name is Angels and I live in Reus and I am 44 years old. I am married and have 2 children aged 14 and 10. I work as a receptionist in a hote...
Sóc l'Anna, professora d'espanyol com a llengua estrangera amb més de deu anys d'experiència. Sóc una apassionada de la llengua i la cultura espanyole...
Hola! Sóc l'Aina. Sóc educadora infantil.
Recentment he sigut mare i visc en un petit poble de Catalunya.
Ara per ara em dedico a la maternitat.
My name is Jacobo Blasco and I am a professor of history, geography and art history. I studied the degree of history and the master of contemporary hi...
Hello! This is Berta from Barcelona.
Since I was a kid that I had a bilingual education (Spanish and Catalan).
I’ve been more than 10 years teaching...
Hola a tothom!, em presento, em dic Aida, i sóc professora de secundària des de fa quatre anys. El català és una de les meves dues llengües maternes, ...
My name is Irina, I am 22 years old and I am Spanish. I study tourism and event organisation and I love traveling and languages. I am also a big fan o...
Hello! I'm Alicia, and I know what it means to learn a new language from scratch, as I went through that process myself when learning English. That ex...
Hello! My name is Nadine and I graduated in journalism in Barcelona. I have been doing online classes over two years.
In general my lessons are very ...
Hi! I'm Nil, a teaching enthusiast since a long time. If you are interested in learning or perfecting your Spanish or Catalan, I would love to help yo...
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