Salve, sono Martina Asta, sono una ballerina, la mia famiglia ha una scuola di danza da 25 anni, insegno danza ai bambini da circa 5 anni. Amo ballare, amo fare della mia più grande passione il mio lavoro. Ho il diploma come insegnante di propedeutica alla danza della A.S.C danza di Roma. Mi piacerebbe trasmettere ai bambini tutto il possibile sul mio mondo, cosa sia la musica e quando si può esprimere con il movimento, come mettere il proprio corpo nello spazio e come conoscerlo bene.
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CertificationA.S.C Danza Insegnante Di Propedeutica Alla Danza
About me (pictures, hobbies, extracurricular interests...)
Frequently Asked Questions
• Can I cancel a booking?
Yes, you can cancel booking up to 8 hours before the lesson starts, indicating the reason for the cancellation. We will study each case personally to carry out the refund.
• How do I pay for the lesson?
At the time you select a lesson or package of hours, you will make the payment through our virtual payment service. You have two options: - Debit / Credit - Paypal Once the payment is settled, we'll send you an e-mail with the booking confirmation.
• Can I modify a booking?
Yes, something unexpected can always happen, so you can change the time or day of the lesson. You can do it from your personal area in "Scheduled lessons" through the option "Change date".
• Where are the lessons held?
The class is done through classgap’s virtual classroom. Classgap was developed specifically for educational purposes, including many useful features such as: digital whiteboard, online text editor, webcam, screen sharing and many more. View virtual classroom
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