Hi! My name is Camilla Paruolo, my role in our classes will be that of a director of a theatre piece made up of two main characters: you and me. My part in our classes will be that of a talent grower: YOUR talents. The water I’ll be using to water your talents will be authentic trust in you and your deep intention to get to know a language different from your mother tongue.
Our classes will be based on the saying and experience of: “where one teaches, two learn”. ;)
I double majored in: foreign languages (Italy, erasmus in Spain, erasmus placement in the UK) and in a Master of Social Changes and Cultural Studies with a specialisation in hands-on and interactive educational approaches, and in languages and technologies in non formal educational contexts (NL, internship and thesis at Children’s Museum in Belgium).
My professional experiences in the (very wide) educational field brought me, 6 years ago, to facilitate the learning of children between 1 and 5 years-old in an Ecuadorian kindergarten inspired by Reggio-Emilia and Emmi Pikler’s philosophies.
Thanks to all the experience-based workshops and courses during my years as a ‘Atelierista’, I went through a deep investigation of my automatic behaviours and modes associated with teaching and “being taught”, followed by a (psycho emotional and my Being’s) re-programming based on the vision of a child -and so of a learner of any age- as a capable and complete person, which has all the answers and talents inside, all what s/he needs in order to accomplish her/his Life purpose. Since then, my role with the learners of any age I’ve been working with has been and still is: triggering learning processes, supporting, stimulating learning through questions and by my example, observing, listening and presenting process-based (non result-based!) documentation. Because, results and products are a secondary effect of the learning process.
What personally inspires and motivates me to learn a language is the possibility and opportunity to communicate with as many people in the world as I can, so to get to know each time a slice of Truth, thanks to the wisdom and experience of every human being. I consider the chance to talk to a person in his/her native language as a very direct way of getting in touch, with no filters, with his/her heart, with his/her essence.
I plan language classes based on your reasons, interests and goals, by leveraging the (visual, auditory and/or kinesthetic) learning styles you most enjoy and find natural!
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