🏆 Over 3 years of experience teaching online classes


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Ho seguito in passato diversi studenti di licei scientifici ed istituti tecnici. Da studente di Ingegneria amo le materie scientifiche e le insegno con piacere. L'approccio che seguo dipende dagli obiettivi ma in genere consiste in una equipartizione tra nozioni teoriche e pratiche, entrambe essenziali all'ottenimento di buoni voti nelle materie desiderate. A ridosso di compiti in classe, ai fini di una adeguata preparazione elaboro e concordo con lo studente la strategia più adeguata al tipo di test (orale o scritto) e i metodi dell' insegnante. Il problema maggiore che lamentano molti studenti in difficoltà è quello di "non capire" la matematica o la fisica, quando in realtà, data la loro natura scientifica, queste dovrebbero essere le materie maggiormente comprensibili! Ritengo che per comprendere bene ogni concetto sia necessario fare propri i vari passaggi logici alla loro base, durante le ripetizioni seguo dunque nel ragionamento lo studente, per poter sciogliere i nodi che impediscono l'apprendimento di alcuni concetti e poter capire (e non dimenticare mai!) le nuove informazioni.

In the past I have followed several students of scientific high schools and technical institutes. As an engineering student I love science subjects and teach them with pleasure. The approach I follow depends on the objectives but generally consists of an equipartition between theoretical and practical notions, both essential to obtaining good marks in the desired subjects. Close to homework, for the purpose of an adequate preparation I elaborate and agree with the student the most appropriate st...

In the past I have followed several students of scientific high schools and technical institutes. As an engineering student I love science subjects and teach them with pleasure. The approach I follow depends on the objectives but generally consists of an equipartition between theoretical and practical notions, both essential to obtaining good marks in the desired subjects. Close to homework, for the purpose of an adequate preparation I elaborate and agree with the student the most appropriate strategy for the type of test (oral or written) and the methods of the teacher. The biggest problem that many struggling students complain about is that of "not understanding" mathematics or physics, when in reality, given their scientific nature, these should be the most understandable subjects! I believe that in order to understand each concept well it is necessary to make the various logical passages at their base one's own, during the repetitions I therefore follow the student in reasoning, in order to be able to untie the knots that prevent the learning of some concepts and be able to understand (and never forget !) the new information.

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  • Physics
    • Electrical circuits
    • Electromagnetism
    • Theoretical Physics
    • Basic Physics
    • Physics (Mechanics)
  • Maths
    • Algebra
    • Basic Math
    • Calculus
    • Geometry

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EnglishFull proficiency


Master/Postgraduate Ingegneria Meccanica Studying

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• Can I modify a booking?

Yes, something unexpected can always happen, so you can change the time or day of the lesson. You can do it from your personal area in "Scheduled lessons" through the option "Change date".

• Where are the lessons held?

The class is done through classgap’s virtual classroom. Classgap was developed specifically for educational purposes, including many useful features such as: digital whiteboard, online text editor, webcam, screen sharing and many more. View virtual classroom

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Estoy graduada del máster de Astrofísica en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona y graduada en Física y Química por la misma universidad. Doy clases de física, matemáticas científicas y química. Puedo dar clases en catalán, castellano e inglés. Soy una persona muy entregada, con una buena capacidad para transmitir mis conocimientos a los demás. Intento que las clases sean dinámicas dónde el alumno pueda participar en todo momento. Siempre le intento dar prioridad a la asimilación de los conceptos por parte del alumno y a que éste realmente entienda lo que está haciendo, priorizando la parte práctica y enseñando la utilidad de los conceptos que se están enseñando. Llevo dando clases más de cinco años, a alumnos de primaria, secundaria y bachillerato científico y de preparación para la Selectivitad de matemáticas científicas, física y química. También he dado alguna clase a nivel universitario.

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