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Hello, I am Ayodele, a Chemical Engineering graduate and experienced data analyst. Since I pivoted into data analytics 4 years ago, due to my love for...
Unless the student or his representative specifies it, I teach the classes with a general content (previously researched on sites in different countri...
I am engineer in a French consulting company as Data Scientist. When I was in my engineer school, I was private tutor in mathematics, physics and chem...
Hello , I 'm Shayanika Himashi . I 'm a hard working graduate specialized in Bsc (Hons) Management Information Systems from the University College o...
I am an Economist with a Master's degree in Data Sciences. I specialize in carrying out complete digital data projects and products for social science...
Young 27 year old graduate in Biotechnology offers to give private classes to people from primary school to first years of university. I have experien...
Ciao! Sono Gaetano, insegnante di programmazione e web design, un mondo del quale faccio parte da quasi 20 anni!
SQL e diagrammi ER
Informatica di base
Insegno linguaggi di programmazione a partire da un livello base fino ad un livello avanzato, perfetto per chi vuole approcciarsi alla programmazione, per studenti del liceo o dell'università o per professionisti che vogliono migliorare alcune skills e specializzarsi in un linguaggio specifico. Inoltre, posso aiutarti nella preparazione di un colloquio tecnico e rispondere a dubbi e curiosità relative a questo settore.
Mandami prima un messaggio, in modo da poterci organizzare prima su quali argomenti fare la lezione e quando farla.
I have been a teaching assistant in university for around three years, I also gave tutoring classes for people in different ages such as 7 years old, ...
Hello, my name is Claudio Anibal Smith, I am a Bachelor of Systems Analysis at the University of Argentina (FIUBA), Faculty of Engineering of the Univ...
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