Certified and experienced Spanish teachers giving online classes to children between 4 and 14 years old. Dynamic, fun and adapted to your child, from home and through the virtual classroom.
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¡Buenas! Soy Arnold Rogger un joven de 18 años de este año irá a la universidad a estudiar Marketng y comunicación digital en la universidad. Pero tam...
Hi! I'm Sara Avallone 😁
I have at least ten years experience in the world of repetitions especially with regard to humanities in general (Latin and G...
Hello! mi nombre es Fabiana Villar de Colombia, profesora, licenciada en ciencias de la educación con énfasis en humanidades y lenguas por la Universi...
I am 18 years old and I am currently studying.
I have taught English and Spanish for a short period of time, but I would like to keep sharing my knowl...
Hi! Let me introduce myself. I'm Maria and i'm here to teach you something different. I am convinced that, in order to learn a foreign language, the k...
Hola, soy Barbara. Tengo 26 años y soy licenciada en Mediación Lingüística y Cultural (L12) y en Lenguas y Literaturas Extranjeras para la Mediación C...
Hi! My name is Sara, I got the graduation in Spanish and English in 2017. I discovered my passion for foreign languages when I was a teenager and I at...
😁Hello! I'm Erika, a Colombian architect currently residing in Spain. My passion is teaching Spanish, and I've shared this beautiful language with ch...
Soy una chica que ha terminado la carrera de Educación Primaria en la Universidad de Málaga en el año 2020. He estado en cuatro colegios de Málaga com...
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