Em dic Núria i soc llicenciada en Pedagogia per la UB.
Vaig impartir classes a un centre de persones adultes, durant les meves pràctiques a la univer...
My name is Júlia Nicolàs, I am Law and Business Administration graduate. Currently I am studying the Masters in Legal Practice.
For the past 8 years ...
Hello, my name is Jor and I am a student of Catalan language and literature at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. I like languages and culture. I ...
My name is Jacobo Blasco and I am a professor of history, geography and art history. I studied the degree of history and the master of contemporary hi...
Hola! Soc Mireia Tur, professora d'Educació Infantil, grau de magisteri d'Educació Infantil per la Universitat Internacional de la Rioja. Tinc 5 anys ...
Hola! 😊 Em dic Gisela i sóc estudiant d’Educació Infantil a la Universitat UNIR. M’apassiona l’aprenentatge i l’ensenyament en els primers anys de vi...
Hello! I’m Júlia, a Catalan and English philologist with a degree from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a master’s in language teaching. I s...
My name is Laura, I am 22 years old. I have experience giving private lessons in summer for more than 7 years. I love children and they learn in a f...
Hi! I'm Nil, a teaching enthusiast since a long time. If you are interested in learning or perfecting your Spanish or Catalan, I would love to help yo...
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