Em dic Núria i soc llicenciada en Pedagogia per la UB.
Vaig impartir classes a un centre de persones adultes, durant les meves pràctiques a la univer...
My name is Júlia Nicolàs, I am Law and Business Administration graduate. Currently I am studying the Masters in Legal Practice.
For the past 8 years ...
Hello, my name is Jor and I am a student of Catalan language and literature at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. I like languages and culture. I ...
My name is Jacobo Blasco and I am a professor of history, geography and art history. I studied the degree of history and the master of contemporary hi...
My name is Laura, I am 22 years old. I have experience giving private lessons in summer for more than 7 years. I love children and they learn in a f...
Hi! I'm Nil, a teaching enthusiast since a long time. If you are interested in learning or perfecting your Spanish or Catalan, I would love to help yo...
Hello! I'm Alicia, and I know what it means to learn a new language from scratch, as I went through that process myself when learning English. That ex...
Hola! Soc Mireia Tur, professora d'Educació Infantil, grau de magisteri d'Educació Infantil per la Universitat Internacional de la Rioja. Tinc 5 anys ...
Hola! :) Em dic Andrea, sóc llicenciada en periodisme i actualment estic cursant un màster en patrimoni cultural. M'apassiona viatjar, conèixer gent n...
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