Benefits of learning violin with online lessons

The violin is an instrument as classical and modern as you want to play it. To start playing the violin is not easy, but learning to play it can provide you with a lot of knowledge and musical culture. The violin is mostly used in classical music, but nowadays this instrument has also been used in different musical styles such as folk, jazz, rock, pop and techno.

Do you know what pizzicato is? It is a musical technique that consists of pinching with your fingers the string you want to make sound, the violin has 4 strings and is the smallest of this family which allows it to reach the highest notes, the bow used to fret the strings is a curved stick made of wood and a ribbon made of horsehair, or synthetic materials nowadays.

If you are reading this, you might be interested in finding violin lessons with a good teacher, right? Online lessons have multiple benefits, you can learn from the comfort of your own home optimizing time and money. At Classgap, online lessons are live, so you can see your teacher in real time and interact with them

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Online violin lessons offer you the option to work remotely and enjoy the flexible timetable that this training offers. In addition, you will have the opportunity to meet people from all over the world, as you will not have to settle for a teacher from your area, you can find a good tutor from anywhere in the world. 

Time flexibility is one of the most important features of learning to play violin online. A good music student must have commitment and discipline to be able to evolve and obtain great results. Everything can be achieved with effort and dedication. Online training stands out for saving time and money, costs that you will not have to take on with Classgap's online violin lessons.


Advantages of learning to play the violin with online lessons

Online teaching allows you to take classes on the days you decide and at the time that suits you best. You will be able to combine it with other studies or jobs without having to stop doing what you like the most. you can find all kinds of resources online, tutorials, videos, books... explaining how to play the violin. Without a doubt, the only way to learn properly is with a private violin teacher online.

¡Discover all the advantages!

Here are all the benefits of learning to play the violin online:

  • Training: your knowledge will expand and you will grow personally and professionally. You will have adequate ways to develop good technical bases to play the violin independently.
  • Memory reinforcement: like any instrument, learning melodies and chords exercises your memory. Although students usually have the score in front of them when they play the violin, by the end they know the notes by heart.
  • Patience: learning to play the violin and getting out of your comfort zone will help you achieve new goals. It is not an easy task, it requires patience and practice in order to reach your goals.
  • Sharing music with others: you will be able to play your favourite pieces and show your loved ones what you have learned. Can you imagine playing Tusa's song at a dinner party with your friends? You will surely be the best at the party!
  • Knowledge about the history of music: There are different perspectives of history and music is a universal language that is not only part of the present, but also of the past.
  • Fun: learning to play an instrument is not easy, but it can be a lot of fun. Online violin lessons can help you a lot and when you finish your training, you will know that music will always be with you.

Are you ready to start this adventure? Register on Classgap and find your violin tutor online. Discover all the advantages of learning to play this instrument and become a great violinist.


Tips to improve your technique

You may not be Nicolo Paganini or Anne-Sophie Mutter, but you sure are great at playing the violin. We know that you can't learn in two days, we know that your technique has to improve little by little, with effort, time and patience. Here are a few tips on how to improve the tuning:

  • Be comfortable with your instrument: You can have a very good ear, but play out of tune because you have a bad physical relationship with your instrument. Relax, find the most comfortable position for you and enjoy the music.
  • Your left hand: An unfit hand is difficult to control so it is very difficult to have good intonation if the muscles of the hand are not in shape.
  • The stability of your fingers: Professionals recommend placing your fingers at a 45° angle between the fingertip and the first knuckle, so you get a more solid structure.
  • Practice slowly: It takes time to hear the right height, so practising fast too soon while studying a piece hinders your learning and will not allow you to hear mistakes well.
  • Listen to your piece: By listening to other people we can easily judge their tuning. However, it is very difficult to listen to our tuning while playing because we are thinking about other things

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  • Record yourself: Don't be embarrassed, recording yourself is a very good way to hear the most imperceptible mistakes. Also, it is good to listen to yourself, you will improve your self-listening skills.
  • Tone perception: In order to listen objectively we can use a tuner, but we have to do it in an intelligent way. It is not recommended to just use a tuner while you are playing and correct while you play because then you will not learn to listen for yourself.
  • Harmonic sensitivity: Practice scales and arpeggios accompanied by a long held note every day for five minutes. The held note should be the tonic of the scale. Do this exercise slowly and take the opportunity to correct any mistakes.

As any other instrument, learning to play the violin is a matter of practice. The best way to learn is through Classgap's online lessons. Log in and discover all the tools and resources on our platform. Learn to play the violin from home.


Common mistakes when playing violin

Keeping your posture is not easy and even less so with the violin. Most students make the same mistakes. So that you don't have any problems, here are the most common mistakes made when playing the violin:

  • Tilting the head too much or turning it to hold the violin with the chin.
  • A tense back which can lead to bad posture.
  • Raising the shoulder to adjust the bar to our position and not the other way round as it should be
  • Left elbow close to the body or the violin in line with the body. The violin should be in front of us, remember that the centre is the intersection of the violin and the bow, we should be behind.
  • Left hand tense or thumb in extension with the little finger.
  • Right hand rigid or without the little finger stabilising the bow.

But it's not all about mistakes, so you need to be clear about the correct postures and find a good online private teacher to practice and improve your technique.


The correct posture for playing the violin

It is hard to believe that an instrument as small and light as the violin can cause so many injuries. They are usually caused by the asymmetrical way it is played. Due to the hours that musicians spend practising, they are exposed to unnatural postures that can cause long-lasting damage and injuries. 

The main thing is to be clear that the violin is not only played with the hands, it is played with the whole body.To maintain a good posture you should follow the following steps:

  • Step 1:

Place your feet in line with your shoulders. Your head should be raised and your jaw should be turned inwards. Then relax your shoulders and back. Take your time and breathe, there is no hurry. You can use a full-length mirror to help you, it will be very useful.

  • Step 2:

In the next step, you should imagine that you are in a square plot and that the violin and bow are in the centre. You should stand behind and to the right of that centre. The violin will face the upper left corner of the room and the bow will face perpendicular to it. An intersection will be created in the centre of the imaginary plot.

  • Step 3:

To place the violin you have to remember that it is only held by the jaw and collarbone. The shoulder is the active part and stabilizes the left hand, but it does not mean that this hand holds the violin. Concentrate on this part, if you don't do it well, muscular alterations in the back, arm and neck could start to appear.

  • Step 4:

The violin should be placed parallel to the floor. To help you hold the violin correctly with your jaw and collarbone, do everyday actions with the instrument. Bend down, open doors, sit down... While doing so, make sure that your shoulder is not elevated and that your back and neck are relaxed.

  • Step 5:

Move your left arm away from your body and stay relaxed. This arm is only used to position the hand and let the fingers do the delicate work on the strings. Depending on the string you play, the elbow will move away from or towards the body without changing the position of the fingers.

  • Step 6:

Hold the bow firmly but gently in your right hand, we don't want you to strain your arm. The little finger is responsible for keeping the bow straight in relation to the instrument. 

  • Step 7:

When you get to this point you should ask yourself if you are comfortable or if you could relax any part of your body more. If you are ready, go ahead with the violin.


What an online violin lesson is like

If you already know what you need, register on Classgap to find your private violin tutor. You will be able to access the teacher grid where you will find a wide variety of tutors ready to help you with your goals. What are you waiting for? Enjoy all the advantages of learning online.

How it works?

You don't know how the platform works? Don't worry, just follow these steps to book your violin lessons online:

  • Sing up in Classgap
  • Access the violin teacher grid
  • Search the wide range of options to find the one that best suits your needs.
  • Select the tutor and check their timetable
  • Take advantage of the free trial to get to know each other and present your objectives to the teacher
  • Book the class at the timetable of your choice
  • Make the payment through the platform

Online violin lessons will help you to progress and become a great violinist. Practice, discipline, effort and a good online violin teacher is all you need to reach your goals. Log in to Classgap and get started today.