FCE test
Would you pass the First Certificate English Test?
Discover if you would pass the FCE exam with our test
If you are taking the First Certificate exam but are not sure if you will pass, take our free online test and find out.
If you are thinking of taking the First Certificate exam but you are not sure if you will actually pass, take our free online test and in just a few minutes you will know if you would get the certificate.
Do you think your level of English is good enough to pass the First Certificate? Clear any doubts you may have with our FCE exam. It's fast, accurate and can be taken anywhere, anytime. Find out whether or not you have the FCE level.
The FCE is equivalent to the B2 of the Common European Framework and is one of the most demanded certificates among students. With this test, which won't take you more than 10 minutes, you can find out if you are ready to pass this exam. This simulation of the First Certificate will help you become familiar with the questions of the official exam and will also assess your general knowledge of the FCE level.
Obtaining the First Certificate can provide you opportunities, not only in the academic world but also help you in your professional career. And this online FCE test can be a great help to know your level but also to prepare you for the official exam. Also, if you want to ensure your success, practice with one of our online English teachers to prepare the FCE.