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23 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur

Sciences sociales

I specialise in Law, Sociology and Politics tutoring for A-level/IB/BTEC and undergraduate Law. I have experience volunteering in schools, teaching lessons about the Law, politics and social rights and have ran a Sixth-Form Law Society singlehandedly. I have attended and had offers to study at top 10 global universities. Currently studying the Bar Course (Legal training course for Barristers) at ICCA, funded by two very competitive and prestigious scholarships. I have extensive knowledge on Sociology, Politics and Law as I have completed a Law with Sociology LLB degree and specialised in socio-legal research and studies for my Masters. I also currently conduct socio-legal research in my role as head of research in the policy team of a charity. I am also able to adapt to any exam board. Personally I have worked with the AQA, Edexel and OCR exam boards. I have spent 7 years doing various tutoring roles in sociology, politics and law and also have experience in early learning tutoring for Maths, English and Science. I possess an adaptable teaching style in which I incorporate different approaches to teaching from one individual to another to suit their needs and cater towards their learning style. My qualifications include: Currently studying the Bar Course at ICCA, funded by two competitive and prestigious scholarships. Achieved a High Merit in my Law with Social Justice specialism Masters at UCL. Achieved a First Class Law and Sociology LLB at Royal Holloway, University of London. Achieved an A* at Sociology A-Level and the highest mark out of the 60 students in my cohort.

7 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

7 cours

Sciences sociales

¡Hola! Soy Belén Del ángel, soy ingeniero industrial, con maestría en administración de negocios (MBA), actualmente curso un doctorado en ciencias administrativas. Puedo atender todos los niveles educativos; por favor, envíame tus necesidades y con gusto te doy respuesta. Trabajo en el sector energético de mi país. Tengo experiencia en el área de Sistemas integrales de Gestión de Calidad. De manera privada cuento con experiencia en Proyectos de Inversión, Administración, Ingeniería de métodos, procesos de manufactura, control total de la calidad, manufactura esbelta (lean manufacturing), gestión de proyectos, todo sobre mejora continua, procesos de manufactura y optimización dentro de empresas. También tengo conocimiento en Gestión ambiental, seguridad industrial. Puedo apoyarte en los sistemas de gestión de calidad, elaboración de manuales de procedimientos, normatividad, auditorías ISO. Por último, puedo ayudar en tus proyectos escolares en general. Explicarte metodología de la investigación de cualquier nivel, búsqueda de referencias, etc.

16 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur

Sciences sociales

Psychology tutor with a First-Class Honors degree and experience supporting learners with individual needs ! I find teaching/tutoring work very fulfilling, and absolutely love working first-hand with learners. Whether you are looking for a beginner’s course, a refresher, or something else, please get in touch and I will try to personalise your learning experience to best meet your individual needs ! :) I employ engaging teaching methods and resources which encourage learner participation and self-motivation. I also promote the use of motivational activities and positive reinforcement where learners take ownership of their actions and behaviour. I have previously created and adapted resources for both SEN and ESL learners.


Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur

Littérature Espagnole, Sciences sociales

¡Hola! Soy Vanessa, una educadora apasionada con cinco años de experiencia en enseñanza personalizada, presencial y virtual en Lengua y Sociales. Mi enfoque se centra en crear experiencias de aprendizaje significativas y adaptadas a las necesidades individuales de mis estudiantes. Utilizo tecnología de vanguardia para ofrecer clases interactivas y dinámicas. Estoy emocionada por la oportunidad de colaborar contigo y tu plataforma para crear experiencias educativas impactantes juntos. ¡Espero poder contribuir al éxito de tu comunidad educativa en línea!

10 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur

Littérature Espagnole

🌟 ¡Adéntrate conmigo en el fascinante mundo de la lengua y la literatura! 🌟 ¡Embárcate conmigo en una aventura educativa, donde convergen lengua, literatura y psicología! 🚀 Explora mi descripción completa para revelar las complejidades de mis actividades académicas, la enseñanza del español y el entorno de aprendizaje dinámico que co-crearemos. 🌈📖 ¡Únete a mí para sumergirnos no solo en el aprendizaje, sino en la belleza del conocimiento! Esta es su puerta de entrada a un mundo de comprensión y exploración. 🎓💡

8 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur

Littérature Espagnole

J'ai un diplôme en journalisme et une maîtrise en enseignement de la langue et de la littérature espagnoles. Je prépare actuellement des examens pour ...

8 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur

Sciences naturelles/SVT

Sono una studentessa universitaria in scienze biologiche. Interessata da sempre alle materie scientifiche tra cui scienze, inclusa chimica e chimica organica, e fisica. Appassionata anche di letteratura italiana e competente nelle spiegazioni. L’approccio è molto semplice e privo di rigidità o momenti di interrogazioni, vi sarà solo un colloquio costante al fine di comprendere gli esercizi o semplicemente la teoria proposta; si prega di specificarla nel momento della prenotazione della lezione. In questo modo arriverò preparata al meglio sull argomento per poter offrire, se richiesto, una spiegazione anticipata sull argomento prima di affrontare insieme gli esercizi. Non sono un professore e non intendo assumere il tono da professore; è un momento tra studenti Volta ad aiutare gli altri studenti e consapevole degli ostacoli che si possono incontrare nello studio di queste materie. Ho 20 anni e motivo per cui mi sento molto vicina agli studenti delle scuole superiori, ma anche ai ragazzi delle scuole medie.

40 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur

Sciences sociales

Hey Everyone! Feeling a bit lost in the academic jungle? No worries – I’m here to help! 🌟 I offer HIGHLY PERSONALISED tutoring to help you boost your study skills and improve your grades 📈, as well as tackle any other academic challenges. My UNIQUE APPROACH incorporates using AI tools 🤖 to make studying easier and more enjoyable! With experience as a UNIVERSITY LECTURER, STUDY SKILLS ADVISOR, PERSONAL TUTOR, and also an EXAMINER and PANELIST, I can assist you at every step of your academic journey – whether it's drafting application documents 📝, exam preparation 📚, writing papers and dissertations at all study levels 🖊️, or even effectively responding to your teachers’ feedback. Plus, with experience gained in SIX COUNTRIES and various programmes and teaching traditions, I’ve encountered many aspects and challenges of academic life – from applying to universities 🎓, studying abroad 🌍, achieving top grades and scholarships 🏆, to mental support and personal development 🌱, as well as planning further studies and career 🚀. I’m also the AUTHOR OF LEARNING RESOURCES at Oxford 📚, making academic language much more approachable and university assessment criteria crystal clear. Having marked thousands of papers, I’ve created CHECKLISTS ✔️ designed to help you with essays, research papers, literature reviews, and more. I’ve also developed step-by-step guides with PRACTICAL TIPS 💡 on topics such as coming up with research ideas 💭 and developing critical thinking and writing skills 🧐. My support is very FLEXIBLE and tailored to your preferences - whether it's live consultations 💻, written feedback on your work 📝, or email exchanges 📩. We can meet as often as you like, whether one-on-one or in small groups 👥. I GUARANTEE personalized support, quick replies ⚡, and a money-back promise if you don’t see improvement! 💰 Let's arrange a FREE 'meet & greet' session 🎉 and discuss how I can help you achieve success. I can’t wait to meet you! 😄

9 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur

Littérature Espagnole

Hola. Soy Alberto Ferreyra, tengo 48 años y desde los 21 estoy ligado a la docencia. Lo que empezó como una ayudantía de segunda en inglés para comunicadores fue seguido por un trayecto con distintas estaciones, entre ellas lengua castellana y sociology (en inglés) en escuelas secundarias, redacción periodística, oratoria, metodología de la investigación y sociología del deporte en carreras terciarias. También, un taller vocacional de radio para mayores de 55 años como parte de un programa de extensión de la Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Mi faz laboral incluye la cotidiana producción de materiales y diseño que decanta en un semanario de la UNRC, en el cual conjugo lo que me fue enseñado en la licenciatura en Comunicación, orientada tanto a medios masivos como a asuntos institucionales.

8 €/cours

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Sumayya W.

Sumayya W.
Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur

Sciences sociales

Greetings! I'm Sumiya Waheed, a proud graduate of Media and Communication from the esteemed Islamic International University Islamabad. Throughout four years of rigorous study, I've gained a comprehensive understanding of communication theories, media systems, and social dynamics. My passion extends to exploring various facets of media and communication, including but not limited to mass media, new media technologies, journalism practices, and media production techniques. Through clear and concise guidance, I aim to delve into these diverse areas, providing in-depth insights and fostering critical thinking. Join me as we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of media and communication, uncovering its nuances and potentials together!

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