🏆 Plus de 10 ans d'expérience en donnant des cours en ligne

Nina T.

Nationalité : États-Unis

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A propos de moi Disponibilité Évaluations (8) Plus d'informations

A propos de moi

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Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced Ask Nina a Question "My main goal for you is to help you strengthen and protect your voice while giving you the confidence to take your singing to the next level - and from there? - consistently progress. I will help you achieve control and artistry and give you the tools to reach your particular vocal goals. I can help you with all your vocal and music needs, from beginner through professional levels and cover a wide range of technique and performance coaching...

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced Ask Nina a Question "My main goal for you is to help you strengthen and protect your voice while giving you the confidence to take your singing to the next level - and from there? - consistently progress. I will help you achieve control and artistry and give you the tools to reach your particular vocal goals. I can help you with all your vocal and music needs, from beginner through professional levels and cover a wide range of technique and performance coaching : vocal technique, performance coaching, warm-ups, sight-reading, solfege, ear training, music theory, pitch control, breath control, phrasing, dynamics, active listening, diaphragm support, tone creation, sound placement, blending registers, break elimination, song interpretation, vocal performance, repertoire, medleys & mash-ups, harmonizing, back-up singing, improv & scat, scales & runs, falsetto & head voice, range expansion, stamina & agility, stage presence, vocal health, acting for singers, songwriting, arranging, recording, production, overdubs & tracking, all genres - all ages " A highly sort-after vocal coach, many of Nina’s current & former students have attained professional & academic success -NYSSMA & NAfME All County / All State Choirs, University Degrees, Professional auditions. They range from a Portugul pop star, to Bollywood singers, a Metropolitan Opera singer, multiple Broadway cast members, Metropolitan Opera Children’s Choir singers, and many professional performing & recording jazz, rock, pop, country, blues, gospel, classical & variety, even a few rap, artists. An Associate Coach & protégé of legendary multi-Grammy & Tony winners’ vocal coach, Katie Agresta, Nina holds a BFA in Jazz & Contemporary Music & Voice from The New School University. Nina is a Billboard Award and multiple Song of the Year Awards winner. Nina studied Opera with Prof. Kathleen Blix and Jazz with Dr. Dave LaLama at Hofstra University as well as all classical and contemporary genres, songwriting & production with Billboard award winner Elisa Hale, & Grammy winners Harry Whitaker & Bob Stander. About Nina T. An Associate Coach & protégé of legendary multi-Grammy & Tony winners’ vocal coach, Katie Agresta, Nina holds a BFA in Jazz & Contemporary Music & Voice from The New School University. Nina studied Opera with Prof. Kathleen Blix and Jazz with Dr. Dave LaLama at Hofstra University as well as all classical and contemporary genres, songwriting & production with award-winning coach, Elisa Hale A highly sort-after vocal coach, many of Nina’s current & former students have attained professional & academic success -NYSSMA & NAfME All County / All State Choirs, University Degrees, Professional auditions. They range from a Portugul pop star, to Bollywood singers, a Metropolitan Opera singer, multiple Broadway cast members, Metropolitan Opera Children’s Choir singers, and many professional performing & recording jazz, rock, pop, country, blues, gospel, classical & variety, even a few rap artists. "My main goal for you is to protect your voice while giving you the confidence to take your singing to the next level - and from there? - consistently progress. I will help you achieve control and artistry and give you the tools to reach your particular vocal goals. I can help you with all your vocal and music needs, from beginner through professional levels and cover a wide range of technique and performance coaching : vocal technique, performance coaching, warm-ups, sight-reading, solfege, ear training, music theory, pitch control, breath control, phrasing, dynamics, active listening, diaphragm support, tone creation, sound placement, blending registers, break elimination, song interpretation, vocal performance, repertoire, medleys & mash-ups, harmonizing, back-up singing, improv & scat, scales & runs, falsetto & head voice, range expansion, stamina & agility, stage presence, vocal health, acting for singers, songwriting, arranging, recording, production, overdubs & tracking, all genres - all ages I sincerely hope you and your family have been safe and sound during these rough times of global illness. Singing is still not allowed in schools or in public but that does not mean we have to stop using our voice. In times of crisis, music helps us manage our stress and bring joy to our lives. Gives us a sense of purpose and a sense of community even when we may be alone. Now more than ever, a singer needs to protect their voice and, expand their knowledge and technique to meet the new normal where performance includes even more virtual and visual venues and your audience is no longer contained to a small club or even large concert arena - it is now the population of the entire globe ! - I will do all I can to make sure you, as a vocalist and contributor to our planet's artistic achievements, are equipped with the tools to put your best voice forward.

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  • Chant Initiation, Intermédiaire, Avancé
  • Musique Initiation, Intermédiaire, Avancé

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Évaluations de mes élèves


Basé sur 8 évaluations
100 %
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Amazing teacher
Nina is the best! She is a nice and patient instructor who always enlighten people generously. It has been so enjoyable to take the lessons.
Gabriel Tavares
Great teacher, she makes you feel very confortable while the lessons.
Luc Brys
Il écrit par les utilisateurs autour de la revue du monde, cliquez ici pour les lire


AnglaisCompétences professionnelles complètes


Licence Bfa Voice, Music, Jazz And Contemporary Music

D'autres choses que j'aime

Questions fréquentes

• Puis-je annuler une réservation ?

Oui, vous pouvez annuler une réservation jusqu'à 8 heures avant le début du cours, en indiquant la raison pour laquelle vous souhaitez l’annuler. Nous analysons chaque cas individuellement pour décider du remboursement.

• Comment dois-je payer le cours ?

Lorsque vous sélectionnez un cours ou un forfait, vous ferez le paiement grâce à notre service de paiement virtuel. Vous avez deux options:
- carte de débit / crédit
- Paypal
Une fois le paiement réglé, nous vous enverrons un e-mail pour confirmer la réservation.

• Puis-je modifier une réservation ?

Oui, un empêchement peut toujours arriver, vous pouvez donc changer l'heure ou le jour de votre cours depuis la rubrique "cours programmés" de votre espace personnel, en cliquant sur l'option "Changer la date".

• ¿Comment se déroulent les cours ?

Les cours sont donnés dans la salle de classe virtuelle de classgap, développée à des fins pédagogiques avec de nombreuses fonctionnalités telles que la vidéoconférence, le service de messagerie instantanée, le tableau blanc virtuel ou le traitement de texte en ligne collaboratif. Voir la classe virtuelle

Chant - Recommandations d'autres professeurs :

22 €/cours

Offre un essai gratuit


Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur


Esperienza nell'insegnamento dal 2010 con persone di qualunque età: dai 3 anni ai 75 anni. Ho da sempre avuto una grande dote empatica unita a grande serietà, disciplina e trasparenza sul lavoro, questo ha fatto sì che abbia sempre ottenuto ottimi risultati artistici e didattici con qualunque allievo. Continuo, inoltre, ad avere esperienze nella relazione d'aiuto in ambito scolastico (tramite ripetizioni private e come operatore musicale presso Primarie), come babysitter (in passato), e come volontaria (presso centri diurni per minori, tossicodipendenti, e carcere). Tutte esperienze che continuano a sviluppare l'equilibrio tra disciplina e serietà, ma anche ascolto ed empatia. Ho, oltre all'esperienze nell'insegnamento di canto e coro presso scuole di musica e presso Scuole Primarie, anche molta esperienza come cantante solista e di coro. FORMAZIONE: Insegnante dal 2010, Diploma canto presso Scuola di Musica di Fiesole, Master in Vocologia Artistica presso Conservatorio di Milano, Tirocinio Teatro alla Scala di Milano con voci bianche e coro adulti. LEZIONE DI CANTO: -tecnica vocale, tramite insegnamento e propriocezione della postura e respirazione corretta -acquisizione di perfetta intonazione -acquisizione massima capacità espressiva, lavorando sul legato di una frase e sulla linea melodica -acquisizione massima estensione e potenza, tramite vocalizzi e brani vocalmente adeguati al timbro e registro dell'allievo -massima empatia e ascolto

25 €/cours

Offre un essai gratuit

Anna S.

Anna S.
Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

Nouveau Professeur

Chant, Guitare

🌈Cours de chant -cours particulier online ou group workshop - pour enfants and adultes🌈 🇫🇷 A propos d'Anna 🌹Nee au sein d'une famille de musicia...