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Matsobotsi R.

Nationalité : Lesotho

A propos de moi Disponibilité Plus d'informations

A propos de moi

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Hello, I am Matsobotsi Ntori, you can call me Teacher Maabo, I firmly believe that my qualifications, skills, and passion for guiding and empowering individuals can make a significant impact on the lives of my students. As a qualified adult educator and professional counselor, I have acquired a strong foundation in understanding the complexities of human development, emotional well-being, and effective communication techniques. These skills are directly applicable to working with anyone who ma...

Hello, I am Matsobotsi Ntori, you can call me Teacher Maabo, I firmly believe that my qualifications, skills, and passion for guiding and empowering individuals can make a significant impact on the lives of my students. As a qualified adult educator and professional counselor, I have acquired a strong foundation in understanding the complexities of human development, emotional well-being, and effective communication techniques. These skills are directly applicable to working with anyone who may be facing various challenges and seeking guidance to overcome them. I am committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment where they can freely express their concerns, fears, and aspirations. While I may not have direct experience as a TEFL educator, I am confident in my ability to adapt and apply my skills in teaching English as a second language to my students. I understand the importance of tailoring lessons to their specific needs, learning styles, and cultural backgrounds. I am dedicated to utilizing innovative teaching methodologies and resources to create engaging and interactive lessons that inspire and motivate learners to enhance their language skills. Furthermore, my experience as a professional counselor equips me with the necessary tools to address the emotional and psychological needs of an individual. I am well-versed in providing guidance, support, and encouragement during challenging times. By fostering a trusting and compassionate environment, I aim to empower my students to develop resilience, confidence, and a positive mindset as they navigate their personal struggles. Beyond my qualifications, I possess a genuine passion for working with learners, assisting them in overcoming obstacles, and guiding them toward personal growth and empowerment. I firmly believe that every individual has the potential to rise above their problems and thrive. I am dedicated to helping youth recognize their inner strengths, talents, and abilities, allowing them to discover their true potential and contribute positively to their communities. I am excited about the opportunity to utilize my skills as a qualified adult educator, professional counselor, and emerging TEFL educator to support my students in their journey of self-discovery, personal development, and triumph over their challenges.

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  • TOEFL Élémentaire/A1-2, Intermédiaire/B1-2, Avancé/C1, Maîtrise/C2

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Licence Bachelor's Of Arts In Spiritual Care And Counseling
Premier cycle Diploma In Adult Education

D'autres choses que j'aime

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• Puis-je modifier une réservation ?

Oui, un empêchement peut toujours arriver, vous pouvez donc changer l'heure ou le jour de votre cours depuis la rubrique "cours programmés" de votre espace personnel, en cliquant sur l'option "Changer la date".

• ¿Comment se déroulent les cours ?

Les cours sont donnés dans la salle de classe virtuelle de classgap, développée à des fins pédagogiques avec de nombreuses fonctionnalités telles que la vidéoconférence, le service de messagerie instantanée, le tableau blanc virtuel ou le traitement de texte en ligne collaboratif. Voir la classe virtuelle

TOEFL - Recommandations d'autres professeurs :



11 €/cours

Offre un essai gratuit


Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap
Afrique du Sud

406 cours

Anglais, TOEFL

Parle: Anglais, Français, Néerlandais

Salut :)
Je m'appelle Rochelle, je suis une professeure d'anglais certifiée TEFL en ligne et en personne avec plus de 2 ans d'expérie...