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Nationalité : Argentine

A propos de moi Disponibilité Plus d'informations

A propos de moi

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Welcome to my profile! I am teaching spanish lessons so that you can learn in an entertaining, dinamic environment and you can adquire fluency in everyday life situations. 🧉🇦🇷 I am from Buenos Aires and my accent is very very argentinian. I really reccommend you my classes if you want to achieve a similar pronunciation and learn about our amazing culture. At the moment, I am pursuing a degree as an Art Curator. I am also an artist and have a lot of conversation topics to talk in our classe...

Welcome to my profile! I am teaching spanish lessons so that you can learn in an entertaining, dinamic environment and you can adquire fluency in everyday life situations. 🧉🇦🇷 I am from Buenos Aires and my accent is very very argentinian. I really reccommend you my classes if you want to achieve a similar pronunciation and learn about our amazing culture. At the moment, I am pursuing a degree as an Art Curator. I am also an artist and have a lot of conversation topics to talk in our classes: culture, arts, literature, music and cinema. I have already been given drawing and painting courses in my country. I decided to start teaching spanish lessons because I want to provide my students with a completely personalized experience. I have been learning english for about 10 years with particular teachers and I can testify that surrounding yourself with the culture and dealing with daily situations in the best way to learn a language. 📝✏️ The classes will be completely personalized and the content will be adapted to the individual needs of each student. If there is a particular topic you would like to talk about, you can tell me and I will prepare it for you. In every meeting I will provide to the student with interesting material to read, analyze and practice your listening and speaking skills. Also, I will give you homework with practical exercises so you can keep improving your grammar. The types of classes I offer are the following: 🔹 Conversation classes: For all spanish levels. If you want to begin to talk but you had not had enough experience yet, do not worry! We will start learning from the basics. We will first memorize greetings, basic vocabulary and gradually increasing the difficulty to talk about more complex subjetcs. We will also learn about idioms and slang, so you can start to sound like a real native. 🔹 Grammar classes: Only teaching to beginner students for the moment. We will start studying from the most elementary grammar concepts and gradually adding more complex subjects. Besides, we will complement the classes with texts, reading comprehension activities, practical exercises and slowly start speaking in spanish. If you are ready to be a part of the exciting world of languages, do not hesitate in sending me a message and we will discuss your learning plan! You can reserve a free-trial class too. Then, we can talk about your spanish goals. ★I hope to see you in class and all the progress you will make!★

Lire la suite


  • Espagnol
    • Conversation
    • Grammaire
    • Espagnol familier
    • culture locale
    • Vocabulaire
    • Compréhension écrite

Disponibilité (Le calendrier montre votre fuseau horaire)

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EspagnolLangue maternelle

AnglaisCompétence professionnelle


Deuxième cycle Curaduría En Artes en cours
Deuxième cycle Licenciatura En Diseño Y Comunicación Visual
Master 1 o Master 2 Cae (Cambridge Advanced English - C1)

Plus à propos de moi (hobbys, intérêts...)

Questions fréquentes

• Puis-je annuler une réservation ?

Oui, vous pouvez annuler une réservation jusqu'à 8 heures avant le début du cours, en indiquant la raison pour laquelle vous souhaitez l’annuler. Nous analysons chaque cas individuellement pour décider du remboursement.

• Comment dois-je payer le cours ?

Lorsque vous sélectionnez un cours ou un forfait, vous ferez le paiement grâce à notre service de paiement virtuel. Vous avez deux options:
- carte de débit / crédit
- Paypal
Une fois le paiement réglé, nous vous enverrons un e-mail pour confirmer la réservation.

• Puis-je modifier une réservation ?

Oui, un empêchement peut toujours arriver, vous pouvez donc changer l'heure ou le jour de votre cours depuis la rubrique "cours programmés" de votre espace personnel, en cliquant sur l'option "Changer la date".

• ¿Comment se déroulent les cours ?

Les cours sont donnés dans la salle de classe virtuelle de classgap, développée à des fins pédagogiques avec de nombreuses fonctionnalités telles que la vidéoconférence, le service de messagerie instantanée, le tableau blanc virtuel ou le traitement de texte en ligne collaboratif. Voir la classe virtuelle

Espagnol - Recommandations d'autres professeurs :

13 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit






8 cours

Enseigne: Espagnol, Catalan

Parle: Espagnol, Allemand, Catalan, Anglais, Français

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