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🏆 Plus de 3 ans d'expérience en donnant des cours en ligne


Nationalité : Pakistan

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A propos de moi Disponibilité Évaluations (1) Plus d'informations

A propos de moi

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Hey, I'm Batool from Punjab, Pakistan. I hold an MPhil degree in applied mathematics. I am a teacher by profession and have been teaching math for more than eight years. I have taught in different environments and have experience teaching school-level, college-level, and university-level students. When I was in school, I loved to teach my juniors. When I was a university student, I used to teach math to my classmates and students from other departments who were studying math as their minor subje...

Hey, I'm Batool from Punjab, Pakistan. I hold an MPhil degree in applied mathematics. I am a teacher by profession and have been teaching math for more than eight years. I have taught in different environments and have experience teaching school-level, college-level, and university-level students. When I was in school, I loved to teach my juniors. When I was a university student, I used to teach math to my classmates and students from other departments who were studying math as their minor subject. I have experience teaching IGCSE maths, basic math, algebra, calculus, differential equations, trigonometry, geometry, numerical analysis, real analysis, and numerous other areas of applied mathematics. When it comes to teaching methods, my teaching methodology varies from student to student. I always start my class by posing some basic questions related to the lecture to gauge the level of the students and make them more attentive. To make things easier, I like to divide tasks into smaller steps. I start with basic concepts and then slowly move toward the topic. Most of the time, my classrooms are student-centred and fun, and students actively participate during class. My students can ask their questions at any time during the class. After every lecture, I assess my students' concepts regarding that specific lecture. After my lecture, I asked students to briefly tell me what they had learned or to simply explain a specific step in the solution. Moreover For the assessment of my students, I take tests and quizzes. At the end of every lecture, I provide notes, extra learning material, and practise questions. I prepare lesson plans and homework according to the needs of my students. I love to teach students who find math a difficult subject. I've taught many students who struggled with math; I helped them make math their favourite subject and get good grades. I believe that math is not difficult for anyone; it just needs more time and more practice, and your basic concepts should be clear before moving toward a new topic. I can assist you with assignments and exam preparation. I want to help you build confidence in your math skills. Schedule a trial lesson with me so we can talk about your goals and how I can help you achieve them. I love meeting new people. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

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  • Mathématiques
    • Algèbre
    • Mathématiques de base
    • Algèbre linéaire
    • Mathématiques appliquées
    • Trigonométrie
    • Calcul

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Évaluations de mes élèves

Very prepared teacher
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AnglaisLangue maternelle


Troisième cycle Degree

D'autres choses que j'aime

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Mathématiques - Recommandations d'autres professeurs :



13 €/cours

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Enseignant vérifié, modéré par l'équipe de Classgap

19 cours

Algèbre Mathématiques de base Analyse numérique Mathématiques appliquées LaTeX Géométrie

Tutrice en mathématiques avec plus de 8 ans d'expérience, et d'un doctorat en Maths. ⏤ Docteure en Mathématiques, j'ai accumulé 8 années d'expérience dans l'enseignement des cours particuliers en mathématiques. Je propose des cours sur m...