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Nationalité : Chine

A propos de moi Disponibilité Plus d'informations

A propos de moi

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Hello, Everyone! My name is Eva and I come from ZhanJiang, China. I have 2 years of experience as a Chinese language teacher and hold the second Class Certificate in Mandarin and the National College English Test Band 4 Certificate. I also have a bachelor's degree, majored in fashion design and engineering, and have long experience in the garment foreign trade industry, solid professional knowledge, and a wide network of contacts in the garment foreign trade industry. Frustrated with lear...

Hello, Everyone! My name is Eva and I come from ZhanJiang, China. I have 2 years of experience as a Chinese language teacher and hold the second Class Certificate in Mandarin and the National College English Test Band 4 Certificate. I also have a bachelor's degree, majored in fashion design and engineering, and have long experience in the garment foreign trade industry, solid professional knowledge, and a wide network of contacts in the garment foreign trade industry. Frustrated with learning Chinese? ? Book a trial lesson with me so we can discuss your goals. How can I help you reach your goals and start being confident? Teachers with 2 years of experience teaching students of all ages and levels, and an effective, goal-oriented curriculum to help you achieve your goals step by step! My major is fashion design and engineering in university, and I have long experience in the garment foreign trade industry with solid professional knowledge, and extensive contacts. I welcome people in the garment industry to learn Chinese with me , then I will have the opportunity to help you develop in the Chinese garment market! The following are the subjects I can teach and my teaching experience: Chinese for beginners Learning Chinese,like any other language,needs to be done in context with an immersive scene and a solid foundation(syllables,vocabulary, grammar, Chinese characters). You will find that Chinese is not difficult,each character has an interesting story. Conversational Chinese The first thing to do is to master the pronunciation, before a lot of conversation practice. We must first master our own pronunciation, in addition to mastering a good grammar foundation, each language has its own set of grammar rules, grammar is a tool to regulate the language. With good grammar and pronunciation, and lots of practice, conversation is perfectly fine. Chinese Mandarin is the common Chinese language. As soon as you learn the correct pronunciation, you will enter the ranks of standard Mandarin. Don’t worry, I will help you lay a good foundation and patiently accompany you to speak good Mandarin. Children's Chinese Interest is the biggest motivation for learning, I will stimulate children's interest in learning, let them actively participate in learning. We can guide children to learn Chinese, speak Chinese and write Chinese in various interesting ways such as picture reading, game reading, environment reading, action reading, children's song reading and so on. Business Chinese In the primary stage of business Chinese, we will start from the content of ordinary courses, and the basic (syllables, vocabulary, grammar, Chinese characters) will not be less. On the premise of full communication with you, I will give you some words and sentences that you can use in business work. I will try to incorporate everything you need into each class. HSK As for the HSK test, my approach is a combination of test and teaching.About the textbook: The HSK standard course, from level 1 to Level 6, has a set of textbooks with specific goals. and will give you a lot of simulation exercises to practice, I will do it with you, while doing the talk. Vocabulary problems, vocabulary and grammar difficulties speak. Difficult words should be more sentence practice. Listening training you to grasp the ability of key words, so that you develop the habit of listening while writing, Reading training is quick reading to catch the key points, first read the topic and then read the article.

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  • Chinois Maîtrise/C2

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ChinoisLangue maternelle

AnglaisCompétence professionnelle


Master 1 o Master 2 本科学历
Master 1 o Master 2 学士学位
Master 1 o Master 2 普通话二甲证书
Master 1 o Master 2 全国大学英语四级证书

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Chinois - Recommandations d'autres professeurs :

10 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit






30 cours

Enseigne: Chinois

Parle: Chinois, Français, Anglais

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8 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit
Holly W.

Holly W.


Nouveau Professeur

Enseigne: Chinois

Parle: Chinois, Anglais, Français

Hello! I am Linda W, Chinese teacher. Hearing you are keen on Chinese learning, I am more than glad to help you. I have 2 years of experience teaching online classes to teenager and adult students, with an emphasis on conversational English. Feeling hard to learn Chinese? Never mind. Every Chinese lover is warm welcomed here. I'd like to organise my online Chinese classes according to the learning objectives of each student and will be happy to be your teacher to help you achieve everything you set out to do in terms of your level of Chinese!

7 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit






12 cours

Enseigne: Français, Chinois

Parle: Espagnol, Anglais, Français, Chinois

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